Whatever happened to *clutches pearls* civility?
Oh right…
Civility is reserved for the rightful aristocracy. The serfs receive the privilege of bowing and the honor of knowing their place.
I’m not that upset about a trans woman using my bathroom. I am concerned about how she got into my house.
She’s a locksmith, and she’s a locksmith.
I’ve seen so many tweets from this person (and one other is older guy who looks like Steven Spielberg) ever since Trump became president.
Who are they?
It’s JoJo from Jerz
I noticed the same thing and I know exactly who you are talking about. And I don’t know. Internet-famous Twitter people I guess
Jeff Tiedrich?
I also just know him as the Twitter Steven Spielberg
Yup. I was thinking something Dietrich but you got it.
His daughter made awkward zombie
I mean, is she any less qualified than, like, Maureen Dowd, or Ezra Klein, or George Will, or any one of the dozen other lint-brained pundits that get paid thousands of dollars to write their idiotic drivel for billionaires in newspaper op-ed columns?
I must admit I have never heard of any of those people.
Yeah, my “millennial who is still pissed about stupid shit they read during the Clinton and W administrations” might be showing there
You just be an elder millennial like myself but I’m guessing you’re more well read than I
I don’t think I said anything other than I don’t know who they are, which isn’t a value judgement unless you assume “Internet famous” is bad
Ezra Klein is the only person I’ve heard of that you listed btw. That doesn’t mean much though
A human with a brain?
She throws a whole lot of tweets at the wall and sometimes one of them sticks.
im not upset about trans women using the bathroom, im upset that i suck at meeting them.
Clearly you’ve been hanging out in the wrong bathrooms
oddly some of them had holes in them, near the middle. maybe people like to have meetings in the toilet?
Have you tried the Lex app?
It started off as a WLW text-based dating app, modeled off of old school newspaper personal ads. Over the years, it has evolved into a queer social media site (with dating as one of its key components.) Highly recommended. It’s where I found my girlfriend. :)
No I haven’t I’ll have to check it out!
ah, its an app. not for me. thanks for the recc though.
Please, don’t insult idiots by comparing them with such … people.
Please, don’t insult people by comparing them with… [Thesaurus here]
I’m more concerned with the rapist felon running our country than men using women’s bathrooms. Women already use men’s bathrooms so…
Okay, but hear me out: I don’t live in fear of rapists and rapists usually don’t fit in the box of “people I fantasize about boning in my dream world where I have some overinflated value.” What if I imagine myself being naked with a woman who used to have a penis? What if people with penises imagine being naked with ME?? I’m scared! I need to vote for a criminal representative of my shittiest expectations again!
As a woman i honestly wouldn’t care if a man used my bathroom. That’s why we have stalls. With doors. Just leave the seat clean.
Though why a man would want to stand in a woman’s restroom line is beyond me.
Being willing to stand in the ladies’ room line is proof enough to me that trans women are women. No one does that for funsies.
How’s this a meme?
Everything is a meme with enough jpg
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I’m always curious when something significantly upvoted gets removed.
I asked them if they wanted to hear a funny joke.
Then i spoilered “go fund yourself”
I did not say fund.
Ig some people found that funny, and a mod didnt.
I dont find the person I told to fund themself, to be here in good faith.
Have a nice day!!
I upvoted on principle
Not all memes are image macros or even jokes
Kilroy was here.
This is for internet memes, not cultural memes. Those are two different things and this doesn’t even fit the description of a cultural meme. This is a screenshot of political opinion.
This is for internet memes, not cultural memes. Those are two different things
Nope, Internet memes are cultural memes
and this doesn’t even fit the description of a cultural meme
Also wrong
This is a screenshot of political opinion
Which is an idea that is spreading, and thus a meme
Memes are like genes, that’s why the names are like that
Cultural meme is, like you said: unit of cultural information that spreads by imitation.
Internet memes are pictures that are either funny, ironic, or relateable.
Those are two different things and this is neither. This is a screenshot of a political opinion.
Internet memes are pictures that are either funny, ironic, or relateable.
Yes, and that is also a:
unit of cultural information that spreads by imitation.
very simple concept you’re ailing to grasp spectacularly
Also: if you think a screenshot of an opinion from a micro log site isn’t a meme GTFO microblogmemes ffs
It is not
Good catch! The fact that you’re getting almost equally upvoted and douchevoted is puzzling.
Based take
To be fair, a person can be highly upset about Trump and uncomfortable (but much less so) about the transgender bathroom thing. Just a reminder that it’s not a binary world and people are allowed to be imperfect.
We are all aware that not all bigots love Trump.
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Tolerance is a social contract: if all parties abide by it and tolerate the others, it holds. But if a party breaks it by denying some other (compliant) party tolerance, they forfeit their own right to receiving tolerance. They must not be tolerated, if that social contract is to be upheld.
Bigotry and tolerance are opposing forces. You cannot value one without rejecting the other. Bigotry must be as repulsive to you as tolerance is important. If you’re fine with bigots, that means tolerance isn’t that important to you.
From the perspective of those on the receiving end of bigotry, that looks a lot like enabling the bigots: if you could take a stance against it, but won’t, you’re complacent at best and complicit at worst. “I don’t care enough about you to compromise my unwillingness to take a stance.”
That isn’t the same as people who grew up with rigid gender norms (like most of us) and are in the progress of deprogramming. You can despise the mentality they were raised with, but if they’re actively trying to separate from it, that hate doesn’t need to extend to them. Nobody takes issue with people trying to change for the better.
We take issue with the raging mask-off “I’d rather creep on kids and elect a rapist than allow transgender kids to use the validating bathroom” bigots, which is what the post was about. They’re not “in an evolution”, bigotry is a part of their identity.
If and when they change course, they’ll fall into the previous group and we’ll be happy to help them. But until then, they’re the enemy, and anyone justifying their bigotry is an enabler.
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the “Why should I pay for your healthcare” mindset
What does that have to do with the topic? Universal Healthcare is in the common interest, so even if I for whatever reason wanted people whose ideology I reset to be denied basic human rights, it wouldn’t serve me to deny them healthcare.
And I don’t want to deny them basic rights. Awful humans are still humans. They should be granted food, water, shelter, healthcare, opportunities to contribute to society just like everyone else. Denying these on ideological grounds would both risk wrongly catching the “allies” and deny the “opponents” the chance to reform.
Besides, bigotry is easily bred from misery - it’s easier to tell someone “those guys are to blame” when they’re suffering than to convince them those other guys are somehow bad when everything’s fine. Providing basic necessity and the opportunity to prosper would rob intolerance of one of its contributing factors.
I’m “fine” with understanding that attitudes can be temporary and people can grow. We’re all born with human impulses that include a fear of the unknown,
Literally nobody disagreed on that. The questionable bit is this:
which we handle in our own way
If “your own way” is confined to your head without negatively affecting anyone, then I don’t give a shit either. Think what you want, but act with decency and respect.
When “your own way” involves death threats and oppression, that’s where we get problems.There really is no “maybe” to the question of “Should bigots be allowed to act on their bigotry?” It’s a yes/no question. Two options, mutually exclusive. “Okay, you’re allowed to advocate for the killing of trans people, but only on Fridays and Saturdays” is still allowing bigotry.
We can debate what counts as bigotry, but it doesn’t matter if you’re not willing to oppose it anyway. Apologism is endorsement, in that it obstructs efforts to combat it.
Hopefully you’ll eventually outgrow your need to divide the world into people you condemn and people you haven’t found a reason to condemn yet.
Hopefully the world will outgrow that need. Hopefully we’ll reach a point where nobody has to condemn anyone any more. Hopefully there will come a time where we can all abide by the principles of mutual respect, where nobody calls for the death of gays, heathens, infidels, jews, commies or any other group any more.
Hopefully we’ll reach a world where we can all tolerate each other.
But that’s not the world we live in. The world we live in contains people making those calls. As long as bigotry exists, I will oppose it. As long as there are people defending it, I will condemn them.
If you want that world, get on board and fight for tolerance. Otherwise, kindly shut up and get out of the way.
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lumping people who are UNCOMFORTABLE with something (meaning they fear it somehow) together with hostile rabid bigots
I’ve made a point of differentiating between those that act on intolerance and those that don’t. How do you consider me to be lumping those together?
I’m not a badass. I don’t want to fight. I’ve spent forever on the internet trying to debate, to explain, to reason, and I’m still doing so here.
Yes, being tolerating bigotry makes you a bigot.
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Idk bro some opinions just ain’t worth trying to understand.
“Some people don’t deserve basic human rights” is a pretty simple ‘youre probably a piece of shit if you think this’.
I don’t need to “try to understand” that. It’s wrong, and it’s offensive. Validating that stance by treating it as worthy of consideration is just bigotry that you can feel better about.
Your question makes no sense.
When did I say you were a bigot?
When did I say I was enlightened?
I’ll say it. The poster you were responding to is a bigot. ‘Tolerance of bigotry’ is itself bigotry, as it breaks the social contract of tolerance in the same way that bigotry does. By validating bigots, you are showing the minorities they target that you accept the bigotry against them and causing the same kind of harm as the bigot did in the first place.
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Just a reminder that it’s not a binary world
Obviously. That’s why we’re in this “bathroom” situation to begin with.
nah actually if you’re “uncomfortable” around trans people you’re just a bigot. they just want to be left alone, and statistically speaking they are the least likely group to harm you. there’s nothing to be uncomfortable about and and anyone who says otherwise is just making excuses for thinly veiled transphobia.
Thanks, Reverend, I’m sure shaking your finger and yelling will be a great way to convert 'em.
well, rational explanations backed up with sources tends to be met with “I’m not reading that” from the people who would say trans people make them uncomfortable (and many more issues). I remember in middle school I had some shitty opinions, and people made fun of me for them. guess what, I realized pretty quick that if everyone around me thinks my opinions are shit, maybe there’s a chance I could be in the wrong here. I don’t know when we got the idea that people’s shitty opinions are somehow justified as political nuance once they hit 18, but these people have their head so in the sand they will not listen to reason, even when they are met with data showing how their viewpoints harm themselves, people around them, and people they love. this goes for more than the trans debate too, and I’m tired of people saying “oh well maybe if you’re nice to them!”. if you preach hate, expect hate.
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you wouldn’t say you feel uncomfortable around disabled people or a specific race or gay people. why is it different when trans people are the target minority? I just fail to see the logic and I guess I’m just annoyed that I see me and my friends very existence being debated every time I go online.
you wouldn’t say you feel uncomfortable around disabled people or a specific race or gay people.
Honestly? I think they would.
That’s why they said “more upset about”. If rapists running the country isn’t an issue, than someone potentially entering the wrong shitter shouldn’t even be a topic. Just a reminder that mixed (or as I like to call em; regular) toilets exist without issue all over the world. Like since when are rapists stopped by signs? That’s some “you legally can’t steal from me” logic. It’s thinly veiled hostility towards citizens and it’s unacceptable.
I’m not even trans, I’m just sick of this obsoletely irrelevant topic. People would really much rather punch down at some toothless minority, rather than adress any serious issues.
Wow this surely will get them to change their views and votes! Why has no one thought of this before!
Poor Jo.
Still so angry.
That can’t be healthy.
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Oh, no! Biden! Better check my… checks notes… inability to give a shit about Joe Biden. Nobody gives a shit about Joe Biden, because we’re not in a weird Joe Biden cult.
That’s the point. You never cared about his crimes, because Blue MAGA is just another version of the Red MAGA cult.
Was he convicted in a court of law? Were charges even brought?
That’s your measure of accountability? Whether they got away with it?
You Blue MAGAs have less self-awareness than the red ones.
Throwing shit around but not providing facts.
Your 1 month old account betrays your intention troll.
Nobody supports or likes Joe Biden. Nobody wanted to vote for Joe Biden. No one is wearing hats and waving Biden flags. That’s your weird geriatric-erotic thing. But Donald Trump is objectively worse in every regard, unless you’re dimwitted and openly embrace an alternative reality (as you do).
By what measure is he worse? Any specific data points?
Right now Biden is on track to help Israel eradicate the population of Gaza, has deported 2.5x as many people, set records way beyond Trump for fossil fuel extractions, is escalating wars in multiple fronts, etc.
By what measure is he worse?
I would try mentioning to you that ain’t nobody taking about Biden.
Or would the fact that there is no rival cult to yours embarrass and/or confuse you too much?!?
Exactly. You don’t talk about your own sides crimes, because you don’t actually care about the crimes. It’s just partisan bullshit games.
I’m a leftist. I’m not in the Red or Blue MAGA cult.
Your weirdly adversarial comments only effectively help sow the discord between “red” and “blue”.
Besides, at exactly what point did I say I picked a side? Hint: I didn’t. I’m me, not some arbitrary label for a box someone wants to shove me into. I don’t what care what label you pick, even “leftist”, the moment you let them assign you to a box, you’ve lost.
You’re not a very good astroturfer. You have to pick a lane. You wanna accuse me of being divisive, or be divisive yourself and dissuade people from collaborating.
Red and blue are on the same side. They’re with the fascists. But if you look at polling and voter turnout, most people in this country don’t support either one.
Oh, just shut the fuck up.
I’m the to astroturfer, yet you keep assigning everyone their appropriate label.
And, fuck right off with the collaboration shit; running around screaming about whatever crimes, real or imaginary, ain’t collaboration.
But, hey, guess what? You win! Cause I’m not replying anymore cause I’m blocking your stupid ass. Enjoy fucking right the hell off…
Read the room. People aren’t buying your pro-Dem bs anymore.
It’s not left vs right. It’s top vs bottom, and we’re finally making significant progress in convincing people of that fact.
Your post history show exactly what you are doing here.
Republicans and Democrats may not be the two best options but one is definitely better than the other and no amount of both sidesing will change that fact.
Nope. They’re one and the same. And people should abandon both.
You don’t need to look at my post history- I’ll tell you openly what I want to do. I want to wake people up to the fact the it’s a uniparty masquerading as two, to keep us divided and prevent a working class revolution.
I also want to build support for delivering the criminals in both parties to The Hague to stand trial for their crimes against humanity.
Your entries in the modlog are all bans for ban evasion and for misinformation.
The misinformation bans are for basically parroting Kremlin talking points about NATO, the CIA and Ukrainians self-identifying as Nazis.
I also want to build support for delivering the criminals in both parties to The Hague to stand trial for their crimes against humanity.
But you want to repeat Putin’s lies? Seems like there is a glaring hypocrisy there, buds.
Yaaaawn. Low quality bait.
If Biden committed crimes, I hope they arrest and try him for it and don’t find stupid excuses like it’s okay if a president does it.
Your turn. Let’s hear about how Trump should be arrested and tried for his crimes too.
I’ll do you one better: every single living US president should stand trial at The Hague for their crimes, regardless of their party.
Yes, putting centenarian Jimmy Carter on trial would definitely achieve something or other.
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Putting words in my mouth is just proving my point that you’re a troll.
But what kind of leftist tho? Still in high school or not allowed within 1000 ft of one?
I’m a leftist. Not an Israeli.
There is no Biden cult; most dems and leftists fucking hate him.
Got a source for the molestation? First I’ve heard of it. I remember some flimsy story from some other woman that ended up being completely unsubstantiated.
What is defending a politician committing a genocide, if not cult behavior?
The Ashley Biden diary is the most recent example of a blanket media blackout, a July 2019 excerpt going viral two weeks ago. Read this and defend it as non-newsworthy:
“Was I molested,” the author writes. “I think so — I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma. Hyper-sexualized @ a young age . . . I remember being somewhat sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate).”Amidst zero people defend the genocide, hence the part where I pointed out that most people hate him. Are you fucking stupid or something? Do you think that turning every conversation about literally everything into a conversation about Gaza will do absolutely anything about the situation at all?
Everybody knows it’s horrific. Everybody hates it. I hate it. I can’t fucking stop it, voting for, or supporting, either party wasn’t going to fix it (though one side campaigned on turbo charging it, which still makes them the objectively worse choice ethically and morally), so all I can do is focus on the other things that could change and be better.
I’m so fucking tired of you morons derailing every conversation to tell us everything we already know because you’re too stupid to understand that other things still exist.
UN experts report Netanyahu and the Biden admin are on track to eradicate 95% of the Gaza population. It is the most important thing happening in the world right now.
If talking about it didn’t do any good, they wouldn’t be spending so much time and money trying to convince us to stop talking about it.
It’s cute that you don’t want anyone to remember this, but I remember it:
I remember it, too. What’s your point?
Again, with the current situation under Biden, UN experts project eradication of the population.
The problem is you neoliberals think words are equal to actions. Trump using harsher language doesn’t make Biden’s actions any different.
“Trump uses harsher language, therefore he won’t be responsible for genocide” is a weird argument.
What is defending a politician committing a genocide, if not cult behavior?
It’s people having a different opinion of events than you do. A cult is more like when your group thinks it’s clearly, obviously, inarguably wrong not to see everything through your lens. That’s a cult.
You mean like believing amnesty international, the UN, Doctors Without Borders, and the ICC are wrong about genocide? That kind of “different opinion?”
No I mean realizing the world isn’t a meme. For example not everybody would think buying a box of screws from Home Depot is genocide because the CEO is pro-Israel.
Sending bombs to arm a genocide, in violation of both international & domestic laws, is in fact committing genocide.
Actually “in fact” and “one way to look at it” are different, and I’m done with this so go ahead and have the last word and award yourself internet moral victory points.