That’s a fucking Starling, and they’re an invasive species, you can fuck them all you want.
Accidentally missed “with” my first read-through and had to check what fucked up community I accidentally stumbled across
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Bravo. Absolute gold, bravo. I can’t decide if my favorite part is your alleged bird-fuckery or how insane I seem.
“Alleged.” “Seem.”
I don’t see an edit. Am confused
I believe was implying that their “bird-fuckery” was indeed more than just alleged and that indeed not only seems insane but might actually be it.
deleted by creator
But they never said “with”?
That’s what they want you to believe
the truth is out there
Okay but why are you fucking birds?
Why aren’t you?
I think you might get in trouble if you fuck them mate. It’s a bit weird.
Whoah, where’s the black bar over his eyes.
There is one right there?
One of those red lights might be saddam
So they are searching for owner of the drone or what?
It saw the whole thing too.
smh New Yorkers out here focusing on birds when they should be focusing on cars
For shame! It’s illegal to shoot wild birds off season. He should be fined a pretty penny!
It’s all right the house sparrow is invasive.
Do they offer that much for information on any murder? Or does it depend on your class? (rhetorical questions)