They put him in a freaking turtle suit!?!
That’s suicide prevention clothing in jails… Dude probably doesn’t even have a mattress. It’s likely that the only things in his cell are him, the turtle suit, and maaaaybe a bible.
They’re called turtle suits because jails are actually pretty cold. Not dangerously so but just cold enough to be uncomfortable. If you’re wearing one you’re on suicide watch and they don’t let you have anything else in your cell. No blankets, mattress, books, underwear, or anything. The only real way to get warm is to get into a fetal position inside of the turtle suit. Like a turtle.
I got a surprise suicide booking in a jail way back by a cop who didn’t like me. Kept me in there for 2 weeks with zero human contact. They wouldn’t even say your welcome when I thanked them for my food. Found out when I got out that they were telling the court that I wasn’t mentally suitable for court.
You lose your mind very quickly in those conditions… My paranoia is telling me that they definitely want that…
“No sane person would turn to violence!” is the message media will push then
Kinda cruel to do to a dude that apparently has chronic back pain.
It is torture.
They want to hurt him without a beating.
This man will suffer for all of us.
And to think that some pathetic rat snitched himself like that.
I hope that boomer reflects on what they have done but you cant expect something like that form humman trash
Bruh the dude is a murderer with a gun on him in a public place. He’s not a messianic figure. Still, he shouldn’t be cruelly treated.
You are using regime terminology and you are taking their narrative at face value…
The dude shot another dude and killed him, he is a murderer. He had a gun. I don’t need “regime terminology” (whatever that means) to describe it.
Look at this judge juror and prosecutor…
Did TV tell you this or did you do your own investigation?
So much confidence
Okay weirdo, I’ll just go and let you gaslight someone else.
Self defense is not murder.
Uh huh, self defense by pulling a gun on someone and shooting them in the back. Good job determining it
How is that worse than letting thousands of people rot away in pain as they are denied care? Just because you don’t see that on a security camera?
Still not self defense, the dude is a murderer.
Agreed! It’s ONLY Self Defense when POLICE do it!
He’s not convicted yet, so he’s alledgedly a murderer.
Cruelty is the point.
What a gross country we are.
It is only civilized if you are good boy…
It is Russian style gulag if regime don’t like you.
Always has been, but working class pretends like it ain’t so they can sleep eaiser at night
That’s torture…
This clowns expect working class to accept their justice now?
Everyone should be contacting the ACLU and NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund to make sure Luigi’s human rights aren’t being violated and encourage them to visit where he’s being held so an impartial party can report on his well being.
Edit - adding the aclu website link with the contact us page.
I’m pretty sure we have to select Pennsylvania and respectfully contact the branch closest to Luigi. The ACLU has been fighting these fights in court on our behalf for a long time. Be kind to them, they are our allies.
Chest, fuck this shitty country
Lord and savior jesus chest
Thanks for sharing your experience, this is additional context that I’m glad to have.
I’m sorry that you experienced what you did in order to have this insight to share. I’ve had many patches in my own life where I’ve struggled with suicidality and what you describe sounds like the last thing that would help someone who is in crisis. No-one deserves such inhumane treatment.
This feels like it’s at least shaping up to be a worker-oligarch civil war instead of a left-right one.
This hero deserves better
Calm down, he’s just the hired mercenary.
What if this dude is able to prove he hasn’t gone to New York in last 6 months?
The system plants evidence, dude doesn’t even look similar
I really hope he exposes them here…
Either way even if he did go to NYC, he didn’t commit any crimes
I’ll be a witness.
The Mangione family sends its regards
How do we start a godundme for his legal defense?
You don’t. The ToS for GoFundMe explicitly states it can’t be used for criminal defense funds.
What about funds to raise awareness of jury nullification? I want ads plastered around the courthouse 24/7 and in Times Square.
That’s fucked, are there alternatives?
Perhaps a PAC? Apparently anything goes for those.
Contact a legit organization like the ACLU and ask them for guidance. They can probably point you in the right direction.
Haven’t seen anything legit yet.
Don’t get scammed
Prolly will need to use crypo
He is also from very wealthy family so they will prolly be taking care of it
So best to just keep showing support online.
Regime needs to know that no crime was committed and the justice process here isn’t circle jerk to make their owners feel “secure”
Hopefully Luigi has something planned
YouTube he uploaded once arrested got quickly taken down.
Can he will be able to sell his mugshot?
I want all the stupid trump “FIGHT LKKE HELL!!!” shirts remade with this actual fighter’s mugshot
He won’t. I think the public would be able to, because tax dollars or something like that. He can’t (yet) because you can’t make money off of doing crime. As in selling talking events about it, or movie rights. I would assume selling shirts or mugs would apply to the law.