“My husband plays that mobile game all the time!”
grindr has a custom notification noise? isn’t that indiscreet for an app like that?
Yeah I don’t know any apps that have custom notifications out of the box these days, apart from Messenger. It’s too convenient just to use the operating system’s API and default to the user’s default sound.
I don’t know if there’s some way to override/customise the notification sounds on Android on per-app basis. At one point in history I wanted Twitter to go [random bird noises] and Reddit to go “Le.” but since I don’t use either of them anymore I really didn’t investigate this further.
In WhatsApp you can set custom notification sounds, I believe it even supports notification sounds on a per-contact basis. So safe to say you can do it as an app developer.
I used to use custom sounds I downloaded for a few people and it was useful, but it’s clunky and time-consuming to set up for even a few contacts. I had to get the sounds on a PC because all the sound apps on the store feel like malware and are riddled with ads.
I think there is an option but it might be dependent on which company makes your phone.
It’s actually really easy for a developer and for a user. Apps can provide a notification sound for themselves, but the Android API automatically creates a user interface inside of the notifications settings that let a user set a sound of their choice on a per-notification-channel (for example, Discord has separate channels for “Incoming calls”, “Direct messages”, “Friend requests”, and a heap more) basis.
Signal does, that dee-deep sound it makes.
When I installed it used the default. I’m on GrapheneOS, how about you?
On my Samsung Android phone it’s configurable but I think when I installed the app aeons ago it used their distinctive ding. On desktop Linux incoming messages throw standard push notifications.
I’m wondering whether it automatically copied using the default notification from my old phone then. I’m pretty sure I didn’t change the Signal Notification sounds on my current phone.
Mine also uses the default (for the very few times I’ve ever taken my phone off of vibrate). I’m just using an out-of-the-box Samsung.
Can confirm as well that my friends with iPhones also have the generic sound for their device for Signal.
For me, it only ever made the normal plonk, nothing fancy and custom.
I have the Pornhub jingle set as my rintone. I regularly hear “I know that sound where is it from?”
Tell them it’s grindr next time.
That’s brilliant, you’re hilarious.
username checks out
Post an audio file of the noise
Don’t be a coward. Download Grindr and make a match.
Then obv you can’t ghost the guy.
Explain the situation.
Become friends.
Fall in love.
The closeted gay was you all along!But I’m a married lesbian attempting to troll family…
Open yourself up to new things
Oh my!
don’t forget lube
User name checks out then
Only 50%. We have not confirmed her rank yet.
That’s an excellent cover story!
Good enough to fool even yourself… 🧐
That becomes work when I just want to cause chaos
work it
In chaos I’m free
Destruction is art
there you go 😘 https://nextcloud.spacebar.ca/s/44qJn5Mi69zSrFf
Panickedly? Really?
How would you say it? Panickily? Panicly? Panically?
“check their phone ringer in a panic”
You know, like a normal person with a brain would say. It’s pretty sad you couldn’t come up with that.
The edge Lords have made it to our federated social media.
It’s pretty sad you need to get off on insulting strangers whose faces you’ll never see.
Edgelords have been here from the start.
I’m not sure either of you even know what an “edgelord” is. Calling out stupidity has been normal internet behavior for the past 30 years.
Fuck off
You sure must be fun at parties.
Ooh sick, a generic ass redditism. You sure showed me.
Ah yes, I forgot, all normal people with brains are native English speakers.
New word is created and old word is altered when language skill reach rock bottom.
Language has always been changing
Making fun of people for alternate spellings or words is silly, this is how language has always evolved
As a non-native english speaker, i’ve always google the correct spelling defined by dictionary to respect the language. Wrong spelling is either quickly corrected or learned so i can be better next time i use that word.
Over the course of me using the internet, i’ve encountered two kind of native english speaker, one that’s so anal about the correct use of the language, the other that will alter and redefine their own language to suit whatever they think it mean. So by saying “alternative spelling”, to me it just basically mean “i’m not sure if the spelling is correct and i don’t bother to fact check it”. I was taught two set of english, one is american and one is british and my country have different english slang, but if a non-native speaker can fact check before posting, i’m sure a native speaker can too.
I stand by what i said, language change when people refuse to fact check and then justify it. That’s how dialect and slang came to be. I have no say in it if that’s what people want.
If that makes you happy
I feel like it’s fine to make up new words or spellings once one has a solid grasp of the language. As long as the new stuff kinda respects the way the language works in general it’s fine by me.
And that’s why the conjugation goes yeet yote yeetten.
you couldn’t be more wrong
It would be hilarious to build some little thing, basically a bluetooth speaker you could stick somewhere, to play stuff like that from under a table or behind a couch, from something like a phone speaker.
I’m sure I’ve seen something like this, like a Bluetooth noise box, powered by batteries…
I wouldn’t want to use one of those music listening type “sexy speakers” like what Dankpods has. Powa ahn. Blewtewth moad. Because it would sound too big and sharp, needs to be out of a tinny little 5mm driver.
I showed my partner this post and he let out a genuine belly laugh. Well done!
On one hand, I’m glad I don’t have too many really bigoted relatives. On the other hand, this would be so fucking funny.