Welcome to the war Moscow.
Stopping in the street to post Instagram reaction videos of drone strikes is a luxury that few others in this war have.
I was thinking that they may not even realize it’s an attack. Stuff blows up all the time in Russia from gas leaks and general lack of government regulation.
Need the explosion to throw some Ukrainian flags or something. Maybe a modified t shirt cannon could throw t shirts that say “all you have to do is leave Ukraine” or something. Would actually be a pretty powerful message tbh
I think they were filming the sky because they heard an unusual aircraft, and they were probably able to put two and two together immediately after the explosion and realize it was an attack
Eli5: why would Ukraine not try to hit the most critical infrastructure? What could it gain from a random attack in the capital? Only to show off what it can do? Bring the wat to the Russians?
I don’t know who the real culprit is but just so you know this wouldn’t be the first time Russia practices terrorism with its own population https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings
It definitely would not be.
False flag?
Congrats Moscovite, you’ve reached the finding out portion of this exercise.
Has Ukraine claimed responsibility for this attack? Any news articles about it? The target looks like a parking structure
It also looks like an explosive that’s a heck of a lot more showy than effective.
I’d also like to know this. It was a building based on photos, but I also see zero statement from Ukraine still.
Just lots of vague reports about Zelinsky conveying that “war, is coming back to Moscow.”
How does that do anything besides motivate the severely disgruntled Russian people facing conscription? Is it because the reports of them only conscripting outside Moscow are true? Or is it just a false flag?
It just seems odd to see a massive attack, and zero actual statement from the supposed attacker.
Even if it makes someone conscript, what weapons will they give them? On what vehicle will they send them?
They will just become another meatshield, dying less than a day after deployment
What goes around…
The 21st century of warfare incarnate.
Listen to those pathetic whimpers. Not so nice when it’s happening to you now is it. Ukraine’s civilians have had to endure this for more than a year.
Lmao at that scream😂😂
I don’t think it is good to enjoy the terror of random civilians, even if they are Russian.
Agreed. They have nothing to do with Putin’s shit.
Ehhhh they kinda do.
In June 2023, over 80 percent of Russians approved of activities of the Russian President Vladimir Putin. The popularity level was four percent higher than in September 2022, when it stood at 77 percent.
This is just a suggestion, but if you ever find yourself living in Russia then you might not want to answer polls honestly…
Lol, like they actually took a poll and didn’t just throw random, high support for war, number up there.
That would have been the nice thing for them to do. That way they wouldn’t be giving naive people the opportunity to say something stupid.
(I don’t think that right now Russia would crack down on people taking polls, but I would still smile and nod since there’s a significant chance that in the future, they will…)
I think it is