Getting overthrown by a coup?
Just say no!
The president cant legally declare martial law without your consent.
The myth of consensual Martial law.
isn’t there someone you forgot to ask?
Well, if it was legitimate martial law, the Korean Congress’ body has ways to shut that down.
the US should take note of that.
Lol the US would just say yes and kneel
Exhibit A: Trump Impeachment Trials and Acquital
Exhibit B: Supreme Court Immunity Ruling
Exhibit C: 2024 Election Results.
Please match the last two frames, If you don’t I might kill myself.
subject-verb agreement is a grammar rule that states that the verb must match the subject in number and person. This means that a singular subject requires a singular verb, and a plural subject requires a plural verb. “Congress members SAY no” not “says no”
congress is singular
congress says no
congress members say no
good! now read what’s in the picture.
Yes, but most of us aren’t a native english speakers, and we make mistakes. We shoudln’t even call this language english, it’s internet creol.
A creole between English and… What exactly?
Some might argue that modern English is a creole of old English and French
And every other language? In my native language we don’t have the same strict word order, so sometimes accidentally I speak like Yoda, and everyone can understand what I wanted to say
I also like the term “international English”.
Nevermind the Internet, American English was a mismash of a dozen languages from the start.
That’s… NoneOfUrBusiness!
Korea is such a shitshow in terms of politics