A PETA ‘cat monger’ will serve up kitty fillets at Cardiff Market today in honour of World Vegan Day.
The kitten cutlets will be served up on trays of ice at two for £5 with “fresh local Siamese” for £8 a kilo and “whole boiled tabbies” for £6 each.
The campaign is being carried out on Wednesday (November 1) at 12 noon by the world’s largest animal rights organisation who say eating fish is no different to eating pets.
The “cat monger” will compete with the local fishmongers at Cardiff’s historical market in an effort to challenge ‘speciesism’ – the practice of treating one species as morally more important than members of other species.
PETA said it hopes the event will push locals to “see fish as intelligent, feeling individuals” and opt for vegan fare instead of meat.
PETA is fucking unhinged and this is a great example. If anyone is up for a wild read, I recommend the controversies section of their Wikipedia article.
Just ignoring PETA here this reaction is pretty funny. People support the torture and murder of animals daily, but somehow it’s ‘fucking unhinged’ when it’s a cat. They’re all animals, lol.
Just ignoring PETA here
PETA’s actions are the point though.
somehow it’s ‘fucking unhinged’ when it’s a cat.
PETA’s action in trying to convince people that cats are not different to fish in the sea is, indeed, fucking unhinged.
They’re all animals
But they’re not all loved.
How is it unhinged? It’s at a fish market where this literally happens every day to thousands of animals. How is this any different?
How is it unhinged?
It shows a lack of awareness of the mass mindset and lack of awareness of what kind of communication will be effective. The lack of awareness is so great, the communication so absurd, that it hints at minds detached from reality.
You do realize how many animals PETA has euthanized? Hows that for “torture and murder of animals”? I stand by my opinion. PETA is at best ineffective and at worst an extremist organization doing their best to rack up controversies when they aren’t terrifying children, like attacking pet owners, stealing pets to immediately euthanize them, using the holocaust to push their message (ruled as “an offense against human dignity” in German courts), using the history of US slavery to push their message, pushing pseudo-scientific claims about autism or cancer, dressing up as KKK members, condemning people for using medicine derived from animals or animal testing, despite their VP using pig insulin. It just doesn’t end.
Yeah, I was talking about your response specifically, I even mentioned that.
not against vegans, but peta is a horrible company that should not exist.