why are there scribbles over the beginning of the word genocide, is this to avoid OCR algorithmic suppression like saying “unalived” instead of “dead”?
seems like it. I’m not sure how much of it is grounded in reality and how much of it is cargoculting.
Cargo culting? I looked it up cuz new term and it’s about false prophets promising cargo? What’s it’s use in this context? Referencing the “copying of military personnel or colonists”?
If I understand right it comes from Richard Feynman to basically mean empty rituals, “copying what looks like it works with no investigation”
You see other people censoring themselves like that, and you’re not sure if the censors actually work that way so you do it anyway just in case, which means more people see it and do the same.
I think the best way to describe it in this context would be “doing something because someone else did it without really understanding why”.
It’s usage in common vernacular is “imitations of technology that don’t perform the function of that technology.” It comes from the Allied campaign in the Pacific during WWII where Americans would give stuff to indigenous people living on islands occupied by Japan. When the Allies moved on to the next island, it was believed people made things like “radios” and “planes” out of wood they thought would bring free shit back to them, despite the objects being fake copies.
What cargo cults actually are is the religions that sprouted up where local cultures had beliefs others couldn’t understand because of cultural differences. Sometimes the arrival of American war ships and cargo would coincide with a local prophecy. Sometimes a person like King Phillip is seen as a god due to reasons known only by the indigenous population. Sometimes the conflict would cause speculation of world-ending disaster.
AFAIK the wooden planes thing is less about people with magical thinking the “plane” will bring back cargo and is more of a monument to commemorate when the cargo arrived.
it was believed people made things like “radios” and “planes” out of wood they thought would bring free shit back to them, despite the objects being fake copies.
I had heard this story before and had no idea it was not the full truth, thank you!
I’ve heard a redditor say (so it might be completely false) that TikTok doesn’t actually ban you for using words like “suicide” or “killed”, but many people filter those words or click “Not interested” so the video is less popular, so people censor the words to get around the filters
deleted by creator
“unalive” makes me want to vomit
I really wanna flash forward like 500 years to see if Future English has bizarre word changes. Like the term “unalive” loses some of its letters and the definition/usage changes. Something like “enahive: (adj.) When a person is in a deep slumber and is not woken up by alarms, loud noises, or disasters, causing them to sleep through them.”
“Enihive the sewer slide collapse McKaylieah limo!”
“Kayla hilariously slept through the car crash.”
Pratchett with his “inhumation” for assassination will prove prophetical.
And you can bet that language in 500 years will change much, you can even observe the changes in real time during your life.
the only euphemism I support is “chop suey” for suicide because it’s got some lore behind it
Yup. Sometimes it borders “old man yelling at cloud” but it definitely is a real thing that some accounts are automodded for on large platforms if they’re marked for more intense moderation already