Some more pictures:
It kinda just looks like Chrome forked to change the Google logos to Netscape and thats it.
Perhaps there’s extra tracking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now you can get tracked by Google and Netscape! It’s a 2 for 1 deal!
It’s actually owned by AOL, which is owned by Yahoo. So you get tracked by Google, Netscape, AOL, and Yahoo
That’s almost every chromium browser out there, most don’t even bother to change the skin and user interface from the chromium default.
How is it that so many companies can literally skin another company and wear its skin as a bodysuit and we do not collectively recoil in psychological horror?
How are so many people germane to this concept?
This is invasion of the body snatchers but for companies that determine the livelihood of essentially every human being on the planet. It’s fucking terrifying.
Like some kinda eggar suit
Aeh perut merh HAUNDS. Onen merh HEAURD
AOL is so stupid that they didn’t have the guts to use Firefox as a base.
Didn’t Netscape basically become Mozilla?
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That sounds like Yahoo alright
It honestly blows my mind that yahoo is even a thing anymore. I can’t think of the last time they got something right, yet they keep shuffling along.
Data harvesting is a lucrative business. You don’t need to have a good product with todays internet, you just need to have access to a lot of insanely personal data, and yahoo has both an expansive advertising network and hosts hundreds of millions of email accounts. They’re just Google except they don’t pretend to care about anything else
Yahoo Auctions is still massive in Japan.
We used to use them to farm and sell gold and rare items in an online game that I won’t mention because I’m afraid it will restart my addiction.
Jason Scott compared “we’ve been acquired by Yahoo!” to “we found a lump.”
That was easily ten years ago.
They can keep shuffling along, though. If you don’t have to pay for active development of features, maintenance of their existing product lines is relatively cheap.
Fuck-all was the good option.
RIP Tumblr.
you missed the bit about aol buying netscape in 1998.
netscape continued but under aol’s structure. aol disbanded the netscape group in 2003, which is when mozilla foundation launched and took over development.
aol continued to release netscape on its own until v9 in early 2008. last two versions were based on mozilla’s new firefox, not the legacy browser suite.
yahoo got mixed in when verizon bought aol in 2015 and most of yahoo in 2016, and combined them. later sold verizon media (the aol/yahoo combination, fka oath, nka yahoo) to vultures (apollo) in 2021. apparently the netscape trademark remains with the remnants of aol.
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Yes which makes this even dumber. They could just as easily have launched a Firefox fork.
Firefox is Netscape; this makes no sense and shouldn’t exist.
Firefox is a direct fork of Netscape Navigator. (Actual Netscape Navigator, not whatever this is.)
I vaguely recall its last version was an internet explorer skin too. So, 2 steps forward 1 step back?
Had to refresh my knowledge of that era.
But it was Netscape version 8 that let users use the Trident engine (internet explorer).
Under use cases.
to render web pages in IE mode
Sounds like a separate mode for compatibility reasons back when websites had that “Best viewed in Internet Explorer” badge
Plus, 8 wasn’t the last release either
Sounds like a separate mode for compatibility
Yeah it was, I don’t know if they kept the feature in v9. It stopped being relevant a long time before that either way.
I never made a claim to the accuracy.
i was just saying that i don’t think they ever became an ie skin lol
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Nope. Seamonkey is what you want.
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What does about:mozilla say?
Sorry, I already annihilated the VM.
Sometimes dead is better.
Maybe I should try running it in WINE
I’m surprised I can’t find anything about it online.