So even their bugs can follow the cute aesthetic.
It’s literally making the OwO face…
The ocean around Japan is also what gave the world the sea bunny. Cute abounds!
What an elegant presentation.
Can appear horrific at a glance or adorable upon scrutiny.
Thank you.
No one appreciates my penis like you 😪Got u bb
Well, he looks quite pleased about it. Probably takes a lot for a caterpillar to reach the rank of Emperor.
Jeepers given how new emperors are typically established this lil fella has likely waded through rivers of blood to reach his lofty position. Or he comes from a long line of cute patoots, either or.
Well, unless he’s insanely strong, he did it with weapons sized for him, or is a master poisoner.
Both are equally impressive achievements for his physical limitations, in that Genghis Khan sorta way.
He may be a born leader and able to inspire legions to fight for him … he possibly has some combat prowess and is likely a tactical genius.
Fuck it put him in charge
Is there an anime about this yet?
The butterfly it turns into has magic girl vibes.
At this point I am ready to accept rule by caterpillar to the current state of things
No. Japan is a democracy now. This lil guy is just a figurehead.
. ω .
The Japanese Emperor, Caterpillar
Runs Japan? oh no, that’s not what the emperor does at all
The left image evokes Hollow Knight memories.
Forever waiting for silksong 😔
I only completed the game towards the end of last year or start of this year, and have been itching to play more of it.
I can only imagine how excruciating the wait has been for those who finished the game back in 2017/2018.
No, just the caterpillars.
Regent Cid Fabool IX
I’m too tired to make a joke about WW2.