Alcohol is legitimately pretty bad for you and tarot is just kinda dumb but still.bad to be afraid of them
Tarot is a lot of fun! It’s like storytelling. I think if you go into it with an idea that it’s more reflective than predictive or prescriptive it’s more enjoyable.
I’ve found most of the fortune teller people who give tarot a bad rep are really just using the storefront as a means to sell fake purses and weed.
Hang on your telling me I could have been getting my weed hook-up from Madam Sora down the road all this time? Brb.
Facts, nothing is better than getting $200 of psychedelics in a Channel bag and a free reading of your heart line.
so what if I go to a local place that does readings and sells crystals and shit, what are the odds they sell? How rampant of a honeypot have I been missing out on?
I definitely look the part. If they sell, they’ll sell to me.
This reminds me of a massive deadhead I knew in college, hugely wasted all the time. But he was about 6’5", birth control glasses, fairly muscular, cropped hair.
The other psychonauts always made him wait to meet up with them at a show because the unofficial vendors refused to deal with anybody near the guy.
Yeah I can see how it might be fun if you don’t assume it’s telling the truth.
Except it’s not about telling the truth (at least from my experience when a friend offered). It’s more of a discussion with the reader with the cards being a facilitator for what to talk about. It’s not the same as fortune telling.
I guess I kinda miss what exactly it was then, that seems a lot better.
Yeah, I didn’t know it was like that before either. Now I think of it as a very informal consulting session.
Tarot gave us Stardust Crusaders, so that’s good. It’s also the basis for the Deck of Many Things in D&D, and plays heavily into Last Call which is a really good supernatural Poker novel.
if alcohol is bad for me, then why does it feel so good when i drink sometimes?
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Funny magic juice go brrrr
Alcohol has many uses though.
Like medical uses as an antibacterial? Yes. And in ye olden times it was useful for making water safer to drink, but just for consumption nowadays it is generally objectively harmful. Enjoyable sure, and I don’t judge people who partake in it or think people shouldn’t be allowed to have it (besides minors) but it does harm the body.
It isn’t “objectively harmful” any more than playing beach volleyball in the sun is “objectively harmful”. You can do it responsibly, protect yourself, limit your exposure. And when you do, you can enjoy yourself, which is the opposite of harm. Just because alcohol can be abused doesn’t mean it must be. Most people who partake of alcohol enjoy the net good of its benefits. Most people do not become alcoholics, most people do not die of cirrhosis, most people do not die of liver cancer.
This last part is actually true of all drugs: the most fantastically addictive substances on earth, like meth and heroin, still have more casual users than addicts.
WHO stance on alcohol - no safe amount that does not affect health meaning that no, people do not enjoy the net benefits. Also alcohol is not only implicated in liver cancers, but also stomach, esophageal, throat and mouth.
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It actually falls under “other beliefs”
Exactly, which just makes their fear of it even funnier.
Doubt anybody apart from a few rednecks fear it
So, Mormon or Muslim? I’m betting Mormon.
Yeah, the coffee is a bit of a dead giveaway. About the only two religions I know that abstain from caffeine are the Rastafarians and the gullible dorks who think that a Bronze Age civilization of former slaves somehow made it from the Middle East to the Americas.
Muslims and Mormons have similar strictures around caffeine.
For me it was the yoga. I’ll bet modern Islam doesn’t have much of a reaction to it. In US religions. yoga is in the category of “things foreigners do” and is therefore of the devil.
Can you please point me towards sources on which muslimic communities/branches/denominations of Islam forbid coffee? I was always under the impression that coffee came to western europe from the islamic world.
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I was married into a Hindu family for 20 years. Yoga as practiced by most in India is literally a physical form of Hindu practice, just way better for you than Christian practices like going on pilgrimages on your hands and knees. It is essentially praying with your body.
If you’re really really serious about not practicing other religions do pilates.
Ok i also disagree that ancient jews went to the americas, but the way you say it isn’t great. Native Americans originally came from Africa just like everyone else, and they almost certainly went through the middle east to get to the Americas
think that a bronze age civilization of former slaves somehow made it from the middle east to the Americas
Probably just a way to justify stealing that land from its actual inhabitants
Yeah, like only a bunch of pastors in the middle of nowhere, Kansas would make you afraid of those things
So what’s it with fucking yoga now? Are they all salty Dhalsim haters or what.
My Christian English teacher once said that yoga brings you closer to the devil.
In france, they do “yoga” for the kids in primary school. My super fundamentalist ex wife refused to send them to school on yoga days because it’s “devil worship”.
They’re just makeing things up now.
Oh, yeah, also you shouldn’t eat noodles because they look like snakes, and snakes are a sign of the devil. Also shoe laces.
I like to point out to these people that it isn’t devil worship, it can’t be, because only Christians believe in the devil. The church of Satan just likes to mock them.
Yoga connects you to your body, which to the Christians isn’t yours. It is a faith of slavery beginning to end.
I once witnessed a national youth development training get detailed for 20 minutes while the facilitators and a sizable contingent debated if it was a physical activity or an imposition of Buddhist/Hindu religious beliefs.
Eastern religion = demons. Source: ex Christian
LMFAO Tarot. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
the underwear looks like it has a bunch of pube hairs on it
Anyone else told to fear Ouija Boards like cats fear cucumbers?
Having taught at a Catholic university, I can say definitively that many many people are afraid of the Hasbro toy you mentioned. When I tell my students the origin of the toy, I get a laugh. One student even did a research project about it, surveying friends and family.
Wait, is that true about cats, or justan idiomI haven’t heard before?
Check out videos with cats and cucumbers and you’ll get an idea of what I mean. They freak tf out.
Wait what religion shuns coffee?
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Muslims and Mormons dont do anything that can be considered a drug, like alcohol and caffeine.
Mormons specifically have a thing against green/black tea and coffee, actually. Other forms of caffeine are maybe a bit frowned on by the boomers, but caffeine and sugar has basically replaced alcohol in Utah. Instead of bars on every corner, there are so fucking many dedicated soda places.
Can you please point me towards which muslimic communities/branches/denominations of Islam forbid coffee? I was always under the impression that coffee came to western europe from the islamic world.
I was in Istanbul and there are shisha places and coffee shops everywhere. There are dudes walking around with giant urns on their back who will sell you a cup of tea for a nickel (and then take the cup back and wipe it with a rag for the next customer).
I think your info on Muslims not smoking or drinking caffeine is not correct.
I think you are probably right. Indo know that Mormons avoid caffeine, but you guys have proven to me that I am wrong about Muslims.
Some one should explain that religion is a drug.
Though, they also do do drugs, including coffee. They’re just not supposed to
I hear if you beg for forgiveness for drinking coffee 20 times you get a Starbucks gift card.
While also smoking all kinds of shit
There was also an uproar within Christians against Starbucks when they change Merry Christmas to Happy Holyday or something on their paper coffee cups.
Religion also teaches us to fear death, with the possible exceptions of Buddhism and Hinduism. I know that Christianity and Judaism definitely want us in mortal fear of death and judgement.
i don’t understand that particular Christian viewpoint of judgement. I was raised christian, but it seems that the whole judgement thing goes against the reason Jesus came. He was the payment for our sins, therefore we are not judged. Therefore we should not fear death because there is no more judgement.
Nor do I but Christians seem to harbor a facination with apocalypse from The Book of Revelation.
They’re right, you definitely should fear ZA WARUDO
I love that alcohol and coffee made it on here as taboo topics, but drugs aren’t here at all…
that’s because OP still fears drugs
Alcohol? They serve wine in church.
That’s different. Alcohol’s cool when you’re drinking the blood of a fallen demigod and ritualistically consuming its flesh while elders chant ancient verses in a dead tongue. Drinking for fun is sin though.
Especially to mormons though, since they’re also the ones that ban coffee.
Some faith do demonize it, most famously Islam.
And the cult of Dionysus never taught anyone except the rich to fear alcohol
Coffee, yoga?
Your meds schizo, take them
And yet I am not surprised these two or any of the others are on the list. It’s called idiotic fundamentalist Christianity.
Some day -I’ll never see it, I’ll be long dead - humanity will awake & push away all this organized superstition. Nothing against spirituality, that’s important, but the oppression of free thoughts is unbearable. So is the protection of (child) molesters & outright financial crimes.
I like that the little underpants have pubes on them.
Embrace natural body hair!
(Or not, it’s your hair do what you want with it)
pre-pubed underwear? no thanks ive already got it covered
In my experiemce, a lot of fundies actually fetishize pubic hair as a “sign of maturity”, even if the person having them is a teen.💀
Oh wow that’s distressing af
But then don’t fucking complain when people say you don’t care about your own body
Whaaaaa? How is embracing your natural hair synonymous with not caring about your body??
Because of the same reason that not showering is not caring about your body
You’re deeply confused about several things. Where tf did you take elementary school sex ed/health class
Also you’re being a bit of a dick about it, which is super unnecessary.
Sorry, but I’m the one that doesn’t know where tf you took classes
Body hair literally collects stuff like sweat and makes the best places for infections. So yeah, it’s pretty much unhealthy as well as displeasing in too many fucking aspects