Potential buyers, both ordinary citizens and enterprises, can initiate the inclusion of objects in the privatization list. If you see an abandoned building or a non-working workshop that can help in the development of your business or will be useful to your community – apply for the inclusion of a public property in the list of objects to be privatized and buy them at transparent auctions.
All objects are sold exclusively through government’s electronic trading system ProZorro.Sale, which is built on the principles of full transparency – the entire sale process takes place publicly and openly to avoid corruption.
Some entities already listed for privatisation on https://privatization.gov.ua/product-category/velyka-pryvatyzatsiya/ (using Google Translate):
- JSC “United Mining and Chemical Company”
- SE “Krasnolymanska Coal Company”
- SE “Aluminium Foil Factory”
- JSC “Ukrainian Energy Machines”
Watch Ukraine go into the dumpster, and then watch the Westerners cope by projecting this onto Russia.
I mean they did invade lol
if you consider the Ukrainian post-coup government the legitimate government for all of Ukraine, including the part they’ve been bombing for almost a decade, sure
Wow that’s a hot take.
it’s actually a fairly cold take outside of the imperial core
Hot take if you lack critical thinking skills and read CNN or the BBC as gospel I guess, but we dont do that around here
I mean they did not enforce mass neoliberal privitization lol
No, it is simply a common theme across ex-Soviet countries. The same Russia y’all are so trigger happy to defend has its own privatization scheme that’s alive and kicking ever since they unilaterally kicked off USSR collapse.
Russian wiki has a decent entry point into that particular rabbit hole.
they unilaterally kicked off USSR collapse
Who’s “they”?
Seems like they are selling off abandoned buildings to fund the war right? If that’s the case then Russia absolutely did.
to fund the war
No. Privatization is never done to raise funds. In all likelihood, these assets will be sold for dirt cheap. I don’t know what their end game is here. If you look at the precedents of East Germany and Soviet countries then privatization was done to deindustrialise them and destroy their economy. Maybe they will do the same here.
“United Mining and Chemical Company” is an abandoned building?
Fascinating stuff really. Look at these gymnastics. The west are such good guys that when they openly admit they are looting and plundering a nation to steal all their wealth, these guys will still find some excuse like “the buildings are all abandoned!”
But like, maybe they’re abandoned because people fled due to the war? And those people will be returning home once it is over?
Reminds me of Japanese-Americans returning home from the concentration camps only to find their homes have been sold by the government and no longer belong to them.
Now, you’re talking like an eighth grader. Probable side effect of consuming too much liberal media shit. :)
Literally in the body of the post :)
built on the principles of full transparency
“We don’t gaf if you know how much wealth we’re stealing”
brazen now aren’t they
It’s time for liberals to start voting with their wallets. Not that it matters because their wallets are at least 6 orders of magnitude smaller than the ones who will actually invest in Ukraine.
Investments in the 21st century be like: 📉📈
who knows, perhaps a few redditor crypto edgelords will get their hands on a few of the less lucrative ones.
“I bought a lignite coal mine on the Dnipro for $169,420!! Slava Ukraini!” --> 4,200 upvotes
“UPDATE: So it turns out lignite is f*cking worthless as a commodity, as an aside does anyone want to manage this huge mercury contamination on the property that I accidentally unleashed?” --> pepe emojis in replies
Ew ew ew. The worst part is I could actually see this happening. I could totally see a bunch of redditors pooling their money to buy a random chemical plant or something, then causing environmental disaster with it.
pooling their money
cooperating for anything is too complicated a task for their fragile little redditor brains to comprehend.
sounds like something phony stark would do just to post about it on Twitter for all his libtard fanboys to fawn over
yes because the last time free market privatization was introduced in large amounts in eastern europe, it turned out great and now the post soviet countries are all free market utopias!!
post soviet countries
Even Ukraine is a free market utopia now!!!
After the war American companies will earn billions from “rebuilding” Ukraine, and the Ukrainian government will pay for that rebuilding by selling off state assets… to the same people doing the rebuilding. Basically American companies get to imperialize Ukraine for free.
as was the plan from the very beginning… Zelensky said as much within the first couple months of the war
this is end stage capitalism with it’s bare ass hanging out for everyone to see
“ProZorro”? As in the literary hero whose signature move is the letter “Z”?
It’s the Romanisation of the Ukrainian term for “transparent, clear”.