“max users planing on switching to piracy” is a better headline.
Wtf is maxipad even making that I would care to allocate bandwidth to?
They make a lot of high quality shows in my opinion, and have made a lot of great ones in the past. Max is a better service than Netflix in my opinion.
HBO make shows that feel closer to the “human condition” than most other companies.
Max has the following great shows: Game of Thrones House of the Dragon The Sopranos Oz What We Do In The Shadows The Wire Silicon Valley Rick and Morty True Detective Season 1 Rome +++
Edit: Remembered Last of Us which was great
Game of thrones hahahahahahaha at this point I’ll just wait for George to finish
What we do in the shadows isn’t an HBO property. Most of the other shows you listed were made years ago.
HBO has always had a pretty nice spread. It’s not the newest it’s not the hottest, But there’s usually something on there that I want to watch, coming from the let’s just log in and see what there is to watch scenario. I hopped onto Max when they brought all the old cartoons over, I started ripping and stripping for all I was worth because a lot of that stuff was not readily available at the time.
Then they had their big shutdown and they lost a lot of that content and I walked away right then.
You’re still good for streaming reruns of decent rewatchable movies though I’d say more so than Netflix.
Penguin has been pretty great so far, but I’m admittedly only 3 episodes in currently.
I am looking forward to it. Waiting for the last episode first
Max is a fucking dump. Got the 50% half off price in Denmark when they released HBO Max. Then max is released, and my subscription was changed to full HD, when I had 4K. No worries, my TV is 1080p only anyway (it’s old, top of the line 2012 model, no HDR or anything fancy, but I’m cheap, so I’ll get a new one when it breaks , hopefully tomorrow lol), so I kept the subscription.
Last month, I got an ad on a single Rock and Morty episode. Last weekend, I got ads on everything. Cancelled straight away. Anything on Max, Prime or Disney somehow ust magically appears on my Plex when I add the movie/series on the watchlist.
Plex FTW
The only inconvenience this is causing me is pricing out additional storage for my NAS. I know I may not be the majority here, and I may not be the target audience these tactics are focused on, but for me, these companies aren’t getting my money this way. Microcenter is.
Microcenter for everything but drives, use server part deals for user drives
Holy hell there are some great deals on that website! Thanks for the rec, I wouldn’t have believed it was real if I just stumbled upon it.
My tv and eating habits since 2020 have only been getting better by these changes. Once every streaming service no longer allows password sharing we will be done with TV. So many of their platforms are incredibly awful to navigate anyways.
What kind of setup do you guys use to sail the high seas?
Paid plex + Emby shares. C/piracy can’t fathom paying $5-10/mo for a catalog of almost all media ever (and if it’s not there, request it) that works well on multiple platforms and has a high spouse approval factor but it’s fantastic.
Arrrr suite feeding jellyfin.
What’s Arrrr suite specifically?
I don’t know this actual setup but the documentation seems good at explaining it.
Stremio with a debrid service.
A seedbox at Bytesized Hosting
I don’t know the name of the practice. But I already do the buy for just 1 month thing when they’ve got something I really wanna watch.
Right now I’m waiting for Bleach to finish so I can get a month of Hulu so I can watch that and the new Futurama.
They don’t deserve a concurrent monthly payment. And I’m happy as hell to deny one to them.
The term is subscription hopping.
Also called churning.
I thought that was exploiting credit card/savings account rewards by bouncing from card to card, as in /r/churning.
Both can be true.
Thank you Sir or Madam.
Yeah but they now got you working OT managing your subs… I am not willing to do that.
I am.