Just dumped out my small bin of GBA games.
Low key actually worth a small fortune. This is a great selection.
Thank you
No pokemon emerald?
For shame
Im also not seeing mega man battle network 3: white version
Emerald is pretty pricey these days. I got my copy years ago for a fraction of the price, and I felt like it was overpriced back then.
I can relate to that. Same story, but for Virtual Boy’s NA Jack Bros. Way too expensive to get now, but I got it way back when and thought I was paying too much at the time!
I wish I could have all of them! Maybe some day…
I was never really interested in any Pokemon game after the first two gens. They just didn’t feel like different enough games to me. So with GBA, I only grabbed the remakes of the first gen when they came out.
I had a similar experience. Never played the Hoenn games, but I have copies of both FireRed and LeafGreen.
All of those RPGs and no Breath of Fire? For shame. I kid, but Breath of Fire was such a good series.
I know! 😭
It’s been on the list for a while, but there are just too many great games in the GBA library. It’s difficult to track down every cart I want (cause I kinda want all of them)
I lucked into finding them both at a retro game con. I was stoked because that completed my collection of every version of BoF.
GBA really had an attractive cartridge design; just the molding itself. Nice proportions.
Man, the GBA had so many great RPGs on it, even if half of them were SNES rereleases. Also how did you get a copy of Mother 3, lol
The mother games are the only repros I’ve purchased, it’s a crime that Nintendo didn’t localize those for NA or EUR!
So it’s just a cheap repro from eBay with an English patch. I have a flash cart too, which is probably the better way to go.
I’m sure that copy of mother 3 is bootleg, right?
Shout out to Gunstar Super Heroes! I feel like many fans of the Genesis original never even knew it got a (VERY good) sequel.
It’s a great game! And Treasure seemed to work in every graphical trick they could get out of the system. There’s some impressive and chaotic graphics in that game.
Minish Cap where? O_o
Oh, it’s right there… on my wishlist.
I do have it on my 3DS though as part of that Ambassador program. Not the same as having the cart, so I still want to track it down sometime.
I am so glad my Metroid games and fire emblem survived
I’ve been thinking about buying the bootleg Fire Red and Leaf Green because theyre expensive, but I want to own them lol
I used to have most of the Pokemon games, but my mother took all my shit to a pawn shop when I was a teenager.
The worst part is, she probably got very little for those Pokemon games that are now worth $100+ a piece.