Lol means a lot of things to us. It’s hard to put into language. A signal we’re kidding, we’re uncomfortable expressing an emotion through text, we’re nervous, we don’t want something taken the wrong way, we’re expressing casual empathy. There’s more to lol than laughing, I’m sure someone has done a study on it by now.
“lol” is punctuation. A carryover from a time before we had a thousand different emoji to pick from, and also when casual IM communication was not yet so ingrained our culture that conveying subtle tone came naturally. Lol
It used to annoy me a bit first, but after a while I realised this. It’s true. So I incorporated lols in my conversations with millenials, in moderation of course. Definitely an improvement
That’s my xD, lmao, >:)
You add it after trauma dumping to have plausible deniability lol
I’m Gen X and I do that shit all the time. Lol
You can tell you’re a filthy Xer because you don’t put lol before your period lol.
Fuck. You right. Lol
Now it looks like a policeman directing traffic instead of a person drowning lol
That’s my emotional support lol you will not take it from me
Live, Love, LOL
i will stop adding lol immediately fr fr. no cap.
This meme is straight bussin’, on god, fr fr.
Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me lolol.
It’s just some extra spice for a sentence, lol.
I used to use “aal” to be edgy. “Actual audible laugh”. No one knew what the fuck I was talking about. Yeah, I’m embarrassed about that.
You should be embarrassed, but are you aae, though?
That’s not funny lol
I feel like I’m being personally attacked, lol.
If I can’t use lol I’ll go back to hehe
Hehe reads sexual to my millennial eyes
It’s my emotional support mood indicator!
We like laughing, what can I say 🤷… like it’s fucking crime, shees 😒.
As soon as you fucks stop adding emojis and gifs all over yours
Like we didn’t use msn emoticons