The gentleman quoted is from the Atheists in Kenya Society (AKS).
AKS and you shall receive.
They AKSed god, but he didn’t akswer
thank god for the atheists!
Ehhh, I saw a news article once about doctors helping a boy through an illness. And when he got better the mother wanted to thank the saint she was praying to, and the doctors were running an analysis of which specific saint it was that was responsible for this (since the mother prayed to multiple).
There are people who would let their kid die rather than accept money from atheists.
I think it was Jamie Foxx who just got out of the hospital, and he thanked the doctors and his family.
That young American footballer who went into cardiac arrest on the pitch - didn’t his family thank god (for the medics that saved his life)? I read he’s been on a “CPR tour” though, so at least there’s that.
I wouldn’t necessarily take a headline at face value. Do you happen to have a more clear picture of the entire article, or a transcript?
They are in my thoughts and prayers.