Trump’s entire political career has been absolutely riddled with what should have been career-ending PR disasters. Nobody can seriously believe that this one, or the last one, or the next one, will somehow be the one to do him in.
While I 100% agree, his own surrogates like Peter Navarro are trying to distance themselves from Tony’s set. This means that Trumps team at least thinks this is a problem.
Additionally, I don’t think there exists a realistic single event that will cause Trump supporters to leave in droves, but there are hundreds of thousands of Americans with Puerto Rican heritage between Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Maybe this encourages 10% of them to go vote if they were originally planning to sit this one out. 50k more votes for Harris would likely make the difference.
The 2nd largest community of Ukrainian immigrants lives in Pennsylvania as well. Remember, ‘Feivel Goes West: An American Tale’ is about a Jewish Ukrainian mouse family.
Trump team is fucking up with a lot of immigrants stories. I hope they all come out to vote this year…
His voters, angry white man-children, love the joke and the pain it has caused. They are weak, scared, and angry and hurting people makes them feel better about themselves.
Based on the 2020 results, he had (somehow) been making some inroads with some Hispanic voters. But between the report that he was big mad about the military having to pay for a funeral for a murdered soldier with a Spanish surname and this clear disdain for Hispanic citizens, maybe it’s becoming clear that in the eyes of Trump and his supporters, there is no such thing as ‘one of the good ones’. The best you can hope to be is someone they haven’t gone after yet.
The best you can hope to be is someone they haven’t gone after yet.
Chilling because it’s true.
His base is aggrieved white men. He just can’t help himself.
It’s not a PR disaster because it might cost him his base. The question is whether it will cost him people in the middle who don’t particularly like that shit. It probably won’t,but if there’s a chance it costs him half a point I’ll take it.
Exactly. His base loves the hate.
Hopefully the Mexican and Puerto Rican voters realize that he hates them.
Until he is literally caught, on film, live, in the act having sex with a child, there’s no such thing as a PR disaster for this guy. Even then, millions will still vote for him.
It would have to be a young male child of color for even a small portion of his base to care.
Trump would just accuse Kamala of raping an even younger, even darker skinned child and his base would clap their hand and coo and drool and continue to babble on.
They’ve show they don’t care about the sexual abuse of young boys and they certainly don’t worry about such things as people of colour being human beings.
And even then 90% would say it was fake and AI generated
What, pray tell, do you think the Russian P-tape is? It has nothing to do with urine. The letters that follow the P are E D and O.
I wouldn’t put it past him, but at this point if such a thing surfaced his fans would just claim it was a deep fake. For it to work, it would have to be broadcast and lib in front of an audience. Even then, the cognitive dissonance might be too strong for many to overcome.
Remember how Rudy behaved in that hotel room in Borat 2? Imagine how these people act in a foreign nation where the wealthy, and corrupt politicians seemingly get to do (quite literally) anything they want.
Now imagine it’s the 90s and Trump is close friends with perhaps the world’s most prolific pedophile/pimp…
If it isn’t an underage sex tape, then it’s him fucking his own daughter. What else could it be?
Double entendre o’clock
Upvoted for the excellent pun. (For context, major Puerto Rico fuckup by the Trump campaign. )
Trump has been a PR disaster since day 1. His cult does not care. He could walk out on stage and shoot someone and then continue on with his speech.
Fully half of Americans are r̶e̶t̶a̶r̶d̶e̶d̶ bigots.
Eh. 20-30.
Half of voters.
That’s a good point, are voters dumber and more bigoted than your average American?
A significant part of this problem is age. At some point we lose the right to drive because our facilities fail. We never lose the right to vote.
The biggest problem is first past the post. The solution is proportional representation and 16-60 voting age. Only then will you see any meaningful change.
I agree with your point. Can we not use retarded?
Trump IS a PR disaster
They are lining up their scapegoat.
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