I for one applaud Rockstar for going open source. So progressive and insightful of them.
Would that be Forcible Open Source Software?
Forcibly Leaked Open Source Software
FOSS anyways)
You can already get doxxed and perma griefed by any 12 y/o with a $20 mod menu I don’t see how it could get any worse
Several years ago I got an email about my rockstar account - someone had guessed the password and logged in, they were trying to change the email address. Luckily I’d managed to stop it in time and recovered the account.
Several years later, I decided to give GTA Online a go, I logged in and found I had billions in cash and loads of property and cars. I guess that they must have been nodding while using my account.
But I didn’t get banned so free stuff I guess?
Modding used to be extremely easy and detection systems weren’t implemented yet back in the day. I have an account with billions in cash just for being in the same lobby as one.
These days you’re still free to ruin everyone’s day with all sorts of griefing mods, but once you try and spawn in cash daddy rockstar gets angry at you.