Participants will have to sign a liability waiver
Nah. I’m good
Yeah! I want to run through a field at night pursued by armed police! That sounds like fun!
deleted by creator
From the article:
If the officers are not uniformed or armed, it defeats the goal of helping community members overcome fear of interacting with officers as they are, Mattson said.
I get the logic, but it seems like there would be a better way to go about this. My primary concern would be if we’re doing this event and some kind of loud noise happens (like a gunshot/acorn). That seems like a recipe for disaster.
Seriously. Let’s give a bunch of armed men with trained PTSD (pre-traumatic stress disorder) the job of chasing people in the dark.
"trick or STOP RESISTING!!!"
“Okay!” <paints their cruiser pink with a fake gold shield, pig snout, slaps on a curly-cued pool noodle, a cop hat>
You wanted us to trick you right?
Cops play find the black kid all the time though. Doesn’t usually end well for the black kid, but still.
“I call it hide and seek, they call it resisting arrest,” one commenter wrote.
Some people have been doing that their whole lives, and not for fun.
Well, the plus side is that people who want to know if they can outrun the local police will have a chance to find out that (probably) won’t result in them getting shot
Will any of the cops seeking have a Phillip Brailsford style “YOURE FUCKED” engraved in their gun’s sights while doing the seeking?
Sorry guys. You can be the best folks in the world, but while you share an emblem with others who protect evil like Phillip Brailsford, you’re evil like Phillip Brailsford. Until all y’all wearing that emblem can condemn those in your ranks as quickly as those who don’t wear that emblem condemn them – you’re evil simply for wearing the emblem.
Police badge, swastika, I see no functional difference, emblematically. ACAB.
engraved in their gun’s sights while doing the seeking?
Not sights, Dust cover. Meaning the only way the message is exposed is if the user has loaded a round in the chamber.
Which is so, so much worse.
Article has an Adblock blocker.
use µblock origin lol
Not available on safari.
Use Firefox lol
(inb4 the “not available on iOS”, “use Android lol” exchange)
Try the new hide distracting items thing
That works. Thank you.
No adblock blocker if scripts are disabled.
There’s low hanging fruit, and then there’s the shit on the ground that ants eat to get drunk. This is maybe under that.
this is a tomato that got buried in a landslide
This is the shit at the bottom of my compost pile that somehow managed to avoid breaking down!
I’ve often thought about how fun it would be to get to play the “robber” in a police training scenario. I’d definitely join if there was something like this happening in my city, though I’d prefer it to be a more serious excercise.
EDIT: The comments here are even more unsurprising that the fact that the sun rose this morning.
What??? The sun rose this morning??? Well how long has THIS been going on??? I was under the impression that earth revolves around the sun, and the sun is a stationary flaming ball of scary!
Guys…if the sun is moving, we got big problems on our hands…BIG problems…
Gee, I’d love to go but I already had plans. (Eek!)