As a B.A. holding custodian I resemble that remark!
Yep. Wanted to go into astronomy. There are, like, 3 jobs and they’re held by greybeards until they pass away.
I have a friend who got her dream job running a planetarium.
It’s run out of funding and is closing down a couple of years since she got the job. I hope she lands on her feet.
I chose a STEM degree and made less than a McDonald’s manager, because academic science jobs pay poorly
Bruh I have a degree in COMPUTER SCIENCE and I can’t even find a job
During the lockdowns, there was a lot of demand for software, so programmer wages were inflated due to demand. We’re still in the pandemic, but now that everyone has decided to pretend we aren’t, they don’t want to pay programmers as much. So the tech companies decided to downsize and create an artificial surplus in order to lower wages. You’re unemployed so that you’ll compete with other CS graduates and drive down wages. It’s a conspiracy.
“go to college so you don’t end up the janitor”
"Lmao guess what*
I started college before covid, becoming a game programmer.
- Boom. NFTs and Blockchains
- Then Covid hit, eliminating many jobs and studios
- Finally, AI/LLMs hit, and the companies that survived want to do that now
I’m happy I got the degree and experience, I’m sad because now those jobs are gone, changed, or became near impossible to get into.
Job numbers in the games industry are now almost the same as pre pandemic levels though. The problem was that these companies hired too many people, because money was cheap and they saw an uptick in sales during the lockdowns. They thought those sales numbers would sustain but it didn’t and interest rates went up. So the layoffs came.
Because they fired so many people at the same time it of course is really hard to find a job in the industry right now. But the industry isn’t collapsing. It will just take a few years until supply and demand finds a sustainable equilibrium.
NFTs and Blockchain are just a fad and AI/LLMs will not destroy jobs in the industry, the shit AI and LLMs poop out is not meeting any of the standards required for production.
Many moons ago I ran the production floor in a factory. Seasonally we’d hire day laborers to help us clean and do the gross stuff, shoveling waste from behind the machinery, cleaning out sumps etc.
I remember this one guy who was having like, a crisis while cleaning dead seagulls from our ventilation system. He was just like “I have a degree, I went to school!”. When I asked what his degree was he said Medieval Art History and I laughed. I felt bad laughing but like, what did he think he was going to be?
The worst part was 6 months later we had the agency send us more people and he came back.
I’m in university now, and I was very very careful about my choice of degree.
Aww…poor guy. I mean, he made a dumb life choice, but I still feel bad for him. Quite frankly I’m not really sure why universities are allowed to sell so many completely useless degrees. I get that at 18 you’re legally an adult, but you’re essentially still a child. Your brain continues developing into your mind 20s and you don’t have many life experiences yet. I don’t think we can blame kids for not knowing that they are making unwise decisions like that, especially because the school is the one selling the degree to you, acting like it’s a good idea.
I was mad about this for a little while, but I was able to go back to school for an actually useful degree later on once I was out in the world and figured out how to do so.
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I’m on the older side of being a millennial. When I was in highschool (late '90s early 2k), guidance counselors were absolutely telling kids to just get any college degree they could and there’d be a job waiting for them when they graduated.
On the other hand if they didn’t get a degree they’d be losers working jobs like having to be a garbage man and or would probably end up as homeless drug addicted losers.
This was true for me too. A big part they left out was that you would need to develop skills for the career you wanted - whether that happened in school or not. If your career interest is in computers, but your education interests are in medieval history, make sure you have some computer skills to offer future employers and let your degree put you at the top of the candidate pool.
But still yeah this whole process was screwed from the start. Everybody has degrees now and most careers use it as a barrier to entry rather than a leg up.
If you can’t complete a word, you won’t complete a thesis.
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