Probably not the first time this has made it’s rounds but this was the first time I’ve seen this story.
Edit: sorry, thought it included the link. I have to shamefully admit I ate the onion
That face just screams “Do what you must, I’ve already won”.
🎶 There goes my hero, watch her as she goes.🎶
Is that a mug shot? She was arrested for being the hero we all need?
Smug shot
Or just ask them to put you on the “do not call” list and they shouldn’t bother you again for several years.
Is it shiny and chrome?
Shiny and firefox
You can also chase them off your property by saying you’ve been excommunicated, and they’ll never come back.
No no, what you do is you ask them if they know why the church is making them go door to door. When they say “to spread the word of God” you correct them. “No, they know that going door to door won’t get new members of your church because doing so is rude. They want people to get mad at you and treat you poorly so that you run back to your church saying how mean everyone was. That’s when they pull YOU in closer. You’re being played.” It won’t save their souls from the cult, but it plants a seed of doubt. And if they go back and tell the church what you said, you’ll be put on a list of houses to not return to.