He was literally talking to the crowd about another man’s gigantic penis.
I wish I was making this up.
It was his normal chain of thought.
It’s what happens when you have dementia
I’m just wondering how Trump thought it was relevant to his policies?
Arnold had a big dick. Kamala Harris is shit. Crowd, chant with me. Aren’t you tired of her?
That’s literally the train of thought.
“Policies?! Ohhhh I thought you said penises”
-Trump, probably.
It’s a good thing nobody is suspecting he is suffering from cognitive decline or dementia, because this could make such suspicions worse. 😋
"I’ve got no cognitive problem. I have no cognitive… There’s no cognitive problem… Got no cognitive.”
— Donald Trump, at a Pennsylvania rally.
I know I’m beating a dead horse but imagine if Biden said this and how the right would react to it.
Not just the right. Every major news outlet would be running it front and center. The media is owned by oligarchs who largely favor Republicans and constantly distort reality
It’s not just the oligarchs - a lot of editors, etc really want TRUMP SPECIFICALLY to win because it’s super easy to write stories and headlines about a man who creates wild headlines every time he gets on a stage or meets with anyone. Biden and Harris aren’t as exciting, and you have to do things like actual journalism.
Won’t be so easy to write wild stories when he starts jailing anyone who prints something he dislikes.
I never thought they’d eat my face
Dear higher power:
Please cause this guy to profoundly lose the election so there is absolutely no further attention given and the media networks can finally lay off the stories because all issues have become moot.
They’ll continue to cover him because he’s a cash cow.
His supporters don’t care. All of their bad choices will be obsolved once immigrants are punished.
And black people, Jewish people, Native Americans, Asian people, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, and when they finish those ones, Italians, Irish, gypsies, and then eventually themselves because fascists need people to fear and kill or the system runs out of steam.
don’t forget the ladies…we’re the main cast for the new Handmaid’s Tale
And the Palestinians and the Ukrainians.
Waiting for someone to frame his comments as something Biden would say, then when the MAGAs pile on, flip the script.
Does anyone think he actually doesn’t want to be president again, but knows he can’t admit that and is doing these things in an effort to lose?
No, his dementia has just advanced to the point where he’s sundowning publicly
IDK but I think sundowning is a specific behaviour, wandering off at sun set, something dementia patients often do.
I think it’s simply dawning on him that he’s going to lose, and he’s fucked.
There’s a real possibility he’s going to lose attention by everyone and go to jail.
And thank fuck. So tired of having to tell others how shit he is on a daily basis. He is the entire news cycle because he fucks up on a daily basis. It’s like watching an angry village idiot (except the village idiot would have been detained by now)
No, he desperately needs to be president.
If he’s not president in 6 months he will be in jail, forgotten, and irrelevant. It’s all or nothing.
He’s just under a lot of stress, and old, and scared.
Not how they meant it, but letting anyone so incompetent near a French fryer is yes, dangerous.
And, somehow, this cunt has taken a lead in the polls. Yes, I know there’s a lot of shit polls, but they’re not all shit.
He’s not taken the lead. Several right wing leaning polls have flooded the zone skewing the lean. This is not done by accident. Fuck 'em VOTE
also this
Sounds like he finally figured out how to speak to his base directly.
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Versus that is the military industrial complex and a Wall Street-backed financial order.
It’s really not. It’s just sad you believe that.
That’s what neocons say.