Yall still liking it?
I mean I mod this comm, so I’m biased, but yeah.
Glade it didn’t lose momentum. I’m pumped to start it with family soon.
They split the season? Why do they do that? I’m not gonna watch till it’s all released anyways
They did not split the season. There is still a new episode every week.
This trailer just had a spoiler for episode 5 (and technically those before it), since episode 5 had a big reveal.
I expect by the series finale there will be another BIG reveal, so think of this as the pre-reveal. TV is often considered lower in the canon (for many properties), so in some ways this is Marvel solving the common “homework” complaint.
First, let’s discuss the trailer content itself.
It looks like we’re going to get more details about the Salem Seven, or possibly their parents. Glad to see since I didn’t want them to be seven random people, hopefully at least a few have a unique personality.
Also the implication is that Teen/Billy was driving and caused the accident that killed Wanda. But Wanda was already dead? But does that mean Wanda was visiting Agatha already? Or likely a more elaborate setup and twist.
Also the implication is that Teen/Billy was driving and caused the accident that killed Wanda.
I think the implication is that Teen/Billy died in that car accident.
I’m guessing Billy Kaplan died and his body was taken over by Billy Maximoff.
Also, I’m pretty sure Teen is in the back seat. He’s not driving.
😁this comment aged well
I remember in the second (?) episode Teen gets a phone call from “Boyf” which, apart from the obvious reason of Billy being canonically gay, I assumed meant that Teen had a life before he visited Westview.
I suppose it’s possible “Teen” is Billy Maximoff, and doesn’t realize that Billy Kaplan died, so he’s just living life as normal. Maybe as part of the spell he sees himself as Billy Kaplan.
I think the Teen has been Billy Maximoff for about three years (since the end of Wandavision).
The car crash happened during WandaVision. Teen looks out the car window and sees the Hex around Westview.
I watched it again (a few times) and you’re right.
We have “Billy” in the back seat, driving with (presumably) “Billy’s Mom” right next to the Eastview sign. “Billy” sees the hex and then shouts “Mom”. The car narrowly avoids another car and then smashes into a tree.
I’m guessing “Billy” and “Mom” die, making dead “Billy” our missing Billy Kaplan, and hex Billy jumps into dead Billy, turning into Billy Maximoff. Billy Maximoff then spends the next few years in Eastview. But then did Billy not age?
I have many questions. I guess I’ll keep watching.
Second, let’s discuss the trailer as marketing.
It’s clearly effective but I dislike trailers like this with major spoilers. Most often you see trailers like this a few weeks after a film has been released.
For example the Endgame trailer, a few weeks after release, shows Cap with Mjolnir, which is a major moment in the film.
Similarly in Deadpool v Wolverine,
Tap for spoiler
The later trailers spoil Captain America aka Chris Evans as actually being Johnny Storm with the “Flame On” gag.
Obviously I’m someone who watches stuff immediately, and I know people who don’t care about spoilers, but I just never got it.
I didn’t watch Deadpool/wolverine until last week, and that particular moment was not spoiled for me… Just gotta ignore all marketing for months to achieve that haha
Exactly. I will not watch this mid-season trailer and have ignored all the spoilery comments in here as weöö
I’m glad. I saw it on the TV while at a bar after a friend pointed it out. It’s actually the only place I see proper commercials (and makes me wonder if I’ll see the Agatha trailer on TV at some point this week).
I think the timing of both trailers is important. That DvW trailer didn’t come out until a week or two after opening. Spoilers were extremely hard to avoid online. This Agatha trailer acknowledges and expands on the reveal from last week.
Disney knows it can’t enforce spoiler warnings, you either go Internet dark to avoid spoilers, you accept them, or (ideally for them) you consume the content in a timely manner when your dollars or eyeballs are most important to their bottom line.
These trailers capitalize on the Internet discussion when the secrets are all out.