Played this game back back in the early 2000s era. I wish they made games like this again. Combat was a bit clunky but the music, story line, and voice acting were fantastic. Obviously left an impression nearly 20 years later.
The legacy of kain series is great. The next sequel worth talking about is legacy of kain defiance, which was also great.
The head writer was a lady named Amy Hennig, she went on to be involved in the uncharted series in a big way.
I believe she also worked on the original Tomb Raider series.
I liked them all. Legacy of Kain was good too. Voice acting was solid in all of them.
The voice acting was truly amazing.
It’s currently on sale with a generous discount on GOG.
I have it on Steam but I could never get the games to work and just used an emulator instead.
I remember this game distinctly and … I hated falling into water
I remember it being very, very pretty. Think I played it a bit on PSX, but a whole bunch more on Dreamcast.
That would have been the original Soul Reaver. Soul Reaver 2 was a PS2 exclusive
Ah! That would be that then.
I have played 1st game for hundreds of hours but i never played SR2… I have miss some real gems
They’re on GOG at a reasonable price and they’ll happily run on an Intel graphics chip.
I loved the whole series up until Defiance. The last game was kinda “meh.”
I think part of that is due to them leaving at a cliffhanger. They did a lot of world building and set up in Defiance.
This game is a fucking masterclass in story telling. I was floored when I finished it for the first time. Also, the worldbuilding is fantastic.
I like it, but it’s not as good as the original Soul Reaver or Defiance.
The biggest issue this game has is the save system. In the first game where you could save pretty much anywhere and just had to navigate back to the last area you were in after loading. In Soul Reaver 2 you can only save at preset points which can be few and far between. There are sections of the game that take multiple hours to complete on a first playthrough, where you don’t have access to a save point and quitting means losing your progress.
The world design has also been downgraded somewhat IMO. The environments look much nicer and there’s a wider variety of them, but the world as a whole is much less interconnected. The first game was a pseudo metroidvania, where completing an area would unlock shortcuts and everything linked back to a central hub. Soul Reaver 2 is much more linear, and the parts where you do have to backtrack are more tedious as a result.I love the whole legacy of Kain series. I really hope for a remake, or at least a remaster.
I’m excited but nervous about the idea of a new game/remake. The voice acting is stellar and I’m not sure how I feel about someone else taking up the mantle.
Yes! Would love a remake tbh. Loved the puzzles and Shakespearean dialogue.
I loved that improvised combat mechanic where you had to use whatever was handy in the environment to fight the vampires.
That was Soul Reaver 1. SR2 still had weapons lying around, but most of the enemies were humans and you could kill them all barehanded
Soul Reaver 2: Soulier and Reavier
My most favorite game Ever!
I hope one day I could use AI to MOD and expand this game endlessly.