If we can get Kamala drinking a beer and shooting bottles off a fence with her Glock, she may just win over some right wing voters
Get Steve Austin in there.
Except Austin is insane, a Trumper, a wife beater, a Vince McMahon defender, and claims brain damage isn’t real
I know, it was a joke leaning into what those people would like. I don’t know how Keanu Reeves votes, but that would probably work even better. But how cool would it be to hear “and Austin 3:16 says Kamala just whooped your ass”
The Kamala/wrestling connection is already there
At this point, I think y’all would cheer for her personally killing Palestinians.
I’m convinced comments like yours are pro Trump bullshit trying to muddy the waters. What are you trying to do? Say Kamala bad cause Israel. Ignoring the fact that Trump would nuke Gaza rather than save it. That or you’re trying to dissuade Kamala voters, so they stay home, or so they vote third party all which benefits only Trump and accelerates the destruction of Palestine
If none of the federal candidates supports your side. Then it’s not an election issue. They cancel each other out, It’s a moot point in the election and should be dealt with through Congress and Senate. Though to say the Democrats and GOP are equal on this issue is bullshit, since the only politicians speaking out are Democrats
They’re just trolls.
Better than bowing down to someone who will call Trump Hitler, then adopt his border policy.
But fuck Immigrants, right? That’s a democratic value, right?
How’s the uncirculated air in there?
Hey, i would appreciate of you didn’t continue attempting to troll on my comments, thanks.
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Buckle up. Your queen of genocide and border walls is gonna lose.
But you’ll blame that on me, who won’t vote for genocide, rather than the candidate that supported genocide. And also supports Trump’s border wall and deportations.
But go ahead and downvote me, you little sweethearts.
I’ll see you crying on my birthday, November 5th.
You’re a fucking idiot if you think Trump is anti genocide or anti Israel
Who’s the idiot? I never said Trump is anti genocide. I said I simply WONT VOTE FOR GENOCIDE.
Sorry your candidate supports genocide, I will never. But you do you, homie. Whatever helps your [REDACTED] sleep at night.
I just hope you’re ready for the America you support: a reactionary one. Not that it isn’t already, but just look in the mirror. “Oh, you want to criticize Kamala, you MUST SUPPORT TRUMP”.
You are a fascist. You don’t care about ethics or morality. You don’t give a fuck about anything except some “anything but Trump” bullshit.
Hey, [REDACTED], what is KillEmAla’s border and immigration policy. Almost exactly the same as Trump’s? Hmmm. I thought he was literally Hitler.
Why would you adopt Hitler’s rhetoric?
What’s your voting solution, oh wise one?
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Yep, exactly as i thought. Bro has contracted a sever case of: being a troll.
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Blocked for being toxic
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Did she actually drink it lol?
Unrelated, but one of the things that made me really respect Judy Greer was watching a Zoom call table read with the cast of Archer during COVID. Everyone was home and drinking elaborate cocktails except Judy - she was drinking Miller Lite out of a can. Respect.
Did she actually drink it lol?
Yes, she (and Colbert) each took a sip.
Also, re Judy Greer, respect.
… Miller Lite though?
I guess she’s a little older, but we have better options these days. Our microbrewery boom was like over a decade ago now, people don’t need to drink the watered down piss anymore.
It’s easy to hate on simple beers, but honestly, they’re fine. Sometimes you want a complex experience that draws your focus; sometimes you just want “a beer” because it’s not something you want to pay attention to.
I lived in the heartland of craft brew for a very long time. I brewed, my partner brews. We went to festivals for brewing. These days, eh, a simple light lager is fine.
Exactly. And frankly, from a brewing and chemical engineering perspective, the consistency and subtle flavors of a light beer are more impressive than something like an IPA where you can just blow out the drinker’s palate with hops and win an award for it.
Don’t get me wrong, I still love big beers. It’s just that I’m almost 40 with three hyperactive, mischievous, and hellaciously smart kids under 10 (and a partner to match); there are many times where light and predictable is really nice.
My buddy has a good definition of it. He says there are “experience” beers, and “session” beers. Experience beers are more flavorful, filling, complex. Session beers are beers that are easy to drink without thinking too much about it. Like, an experience beer is for an outside deck dinner at sunset. A session beer is for a bonfire or something where you’re looking to get drunk.
Start the night with a good craft IPA. End the night with Rainier.
Agreed, nothing wrong with a lager. Among simple light lagers, though, the major breweries offerings are particularly … simple.
Our microbrewery boom was like over a decade ago now
Thank you Jimmy Carter.
Beer that comes from a small company whose owner loves its products might be better than beer from a massive multinational umbrella beer corporation. Who would have thought…?
People like what they like. Maybe she wanted a 3.2 beer, which is harder to find at a microbrewery.
3.2? The fact that you know what that is means you live in one of only a handful of states.
I’ve lived all over the country, and also have access to the internet. I know many things about many places I’ve never even been.
The point was to suggest they want the lightest beer around that isn’t an NA, not a commentary on a particular state
It wasn’t an insult by any means. But in the midwest, most people don’t even know what that is. Again, not a knock on them, just my observation.
People like what they like, and that usually stems from what they grew up with, even of it’s not the “best” option available.
You also have to take into account the costs. Poorer people are likely to settle for the cheaper stuff, especially if they do it regularly.
Yeah, all tastes can be acquired, no question. It’s just an unfortunate reality so many had to make due with vaguely beer-flavored water.
Can’t drink beer on TV
Sure you can.
And Colbert commonly has a drink with his guests (typically whiskey or bourbon).
Didn’t watch WWE during the attitude era, did ya? Or the man show? Or expedition unknown? Or always sunny? Or cheers? Or lost? Or that 70s show? I could keep going but it’d be nearly limitless. Where did you get this idea? Fuck, I’ve seen people drinking beer on the news. Like, a lot.
Only applies to beer ads AFAIK.
I always was taught that too. Maybe it was an old rule or maybe it’s after a certain time. Maybe it was never true and just something my parents taught me.
Also, maybe Kamala and Colbert didn’t actually have alcohol in the can
Interesting choice. I’m not sure how popping a 12% doppelbach would have come across. But I respect a the quality of a simple thing.
I noticed that a link to the segment hasn’t been shared yet. For those who want to watch - VP Kamala Harris Shares A Miller High Life With Stephen Colbert
The Guardian - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)
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Are they really doing the ‘have a beer with’ propaganda bullshit?
She is not one of us, she’s clueless what our struggles are.
You’re really bad at what ever this is that you are trying to do
Every. Single. Time this person posts they have an incredibly negative amount of votes. I have them tagged so that they’re easily identifiable. I would encourage everyone to do the same so you can save yourself time from having to read their posts.
They’re competing with the media bias checker bot for the lowest scores in history
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Sometimes we do a little arguing with the trolls. As a treat
But if trolls just crave attention, aren’t you giving them what they want?!
I have seen you support Stein, antvaxxing, and you are a moderator for Scientology. I don’t think I’ll be taking any advice from you
I’m actually vaccinated. I took all the covid shots. And I even just got my flu shot this past weekend. Thank you! :)
Does anything outside of your confirmation bias make you one easy?
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Yeah, I’ve got this one appropriately tagged
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Trying to circumvent the bot rule?
Oh she’s definitely not one one you, that’s for sure and that’s a good thing.
She’s reasonable. And lives in readily.
She spent her career locking up people like me and denying my rights. The ones not living in reality are liberals that cannot see that they have become the things that they claim to hate
People like you? So you’re a criminal? Because as a DA, she locked up criminals…. because that was her job.
And what rights were you denied exactly. Do you have a list?
No, and neither were the men she kept in prison after their parole dates so the state wouldn’t lose cheap labor
So…. What rights were you denied again? I need some clarification since you didn’t exactly answer the question properly the first time.
Please, if you will- list them by title and code so I can check this against what actually happens in the real world.
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