Bodegas are literally just gas stations without the gas, IDK why NYC thinks they’re the only city in America where you can go to a convenience store at 2 a.m
Also the thing where they’ll talk about how “diverse” the staff at Bodegas are and how that makes them special, as if every 7/11 outside the North East is exclusively staffed by white coal miners.
Brooklyn delenda est
It’s my understanding that they have cats, which does make them better. Of course, like everything else that was once cool about NYC, they keep trying to make them get rid of the cats.
New Yorkers are constantly yelling about how their city is the greatest city in the world while refusing to learn about anything that happens anywhere else. Worse than Parisians.
New Yorkers showing their whole asses today.
People who don’t live in New York just WOULDN’T GET what it’s like to buy things from a convenience store, because those only exist in New York and no where else on earth.
Also, like we have bodengas in [city redacted], they’re not exclusively a New York thing.
you can’t even buy fresh produce at a bodega :haram: (european corner shops have fruit, veg, eggs, bread etc)