I don’t know what my political identity or label is
You might wanna figure that out if you’re going to opine about politics
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Said it before and I’ll say it again. Reactionaries see themselves as the absence of politics, not a political idea.
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I hear this all the time and I absolutely hate it. You go to church once a week, go to bible study/cell groups, you follow all the traditionally conservative rules around protestant Christianity. You are part of a religion. Just because you believe you can personally communicate with God and don’t need to go through the priests, it doesn’t change the fact that you are still very much part of a religion.
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that’s some specifically american brainworm tho. it no doubt builds on the anglo anticatholic nonsense, but i dont think brits have this advanced 2.0 version of it.
gah my PARENTS do this, frick
Being political is anything that questions the status quo
Accepting the status quo requires no action and is therefore “non-political”
Fish not seeing the water around them basically
Cuz politics, to them, is anything intrusive and obstructive to them, that brings discomfort to power
“why won’t the unworthies just lay down and die?”
It’s liberal.
You’re a fucking liberal.
That’s just not fun to write an attention seeking essay about, because you’re just another dumbshit liberal trying to seem unique and redeemable.
I think she means fascist
Also what ever will get her the biggest pay day
Once again proving TYT are fucking morons and I feel vindicated about never liking any of them.
The best one was Hasan and he got fired or whatever proving that they were never committed to having good opinions
I’m so glad i figured out these guys were performative hacks when I was like 14 lmao.
Don’t care what she has to say, not reading it
If you’ve picked up on any of her shit takes over the last three or so years, you’ve already read it.
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I’m waiting for her/TYT to start working with David Rubin again lmao
Dave Rubin returns to TYT arc that no one say coming
She was so pissed when he left and became an explicitly right wing grifter. It’s funny to see her say the same shit more or less
she was pissed that he beat her to the punch
Beat to the Putsch
Ana and Jimmy make up.
As expected, going the way of Bill Maher and Destiny. Being a reactionary liberal who hates the Republicans while increasingly agreeing with them. Also known as a scratched liberal.
Okay so I’m just gonna say some stuff and I haven’t really thought about this too much so I’m shooting from the hip here but it seams like being a TERF takes vastly more effort than not being a TERF. Like it’s way more work than being a bog standard misogynist. So the issue isn’t that they are lazy, per se, it’s that they’ve chosen to die on this very frustrating reactionary hill. So you can’t even kinda defend them by calling it ignorance. No, they had to do work to get here, and they still concluded the worst fucking things.
I try to be nice to people and be patient and tolerant because, partly, I can. That’s a privilege I have as a cis man. Somebody saying “I hate trans people” isn’t a direct threat to me. I still condemn it, I tell them to shut the fuck up, but I can afford to try to talk them down from those rhetorical ledges because I’m not in the cross hairs, if you know what I am saying. I can try to interrogate them and be a little more objective about it because I’m not having to defend my right to exist. Like it’s one of those fucked up ways where you can use their bigotry to shut down a bigot and I’m willing to use any tool I can to combat that stuff. Again, it’s how I can use my privilege. Privilege doesn’t go away because I pretend it doesn’t exist so I should use it tactically.
The point I’m trying to make here is that I don’t extend that to TERFs because they’ve clearly thought about it! They’ve rehearsed talking points and stuck their heads in sand. So they should be bullied into oblivion.
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Why I right the right
Why I centrist the centrist
I did Nazi myself leaving the Nazis
No one is surprised. Everyone saw this coming like 6 years ago when she’d go on unhinged anti homeless rants
Her parents are LA landlords, too, lmao
And she’s married to a gusano. She’s gone on anti-Cuba rants about how Castro caused so many Cubans to “lose their jobs.”
She just gets better and better.
So her own family are at fault for the homeless crisis she despises so much, and she predictably blames everything except the thing causes homelessness
Class interests strike again
I can’t quite remember who she is. Could I get summary - I hope it’s a couple paragraphs.
Out of curiosity - I read her post.
I don’t know what my political identity or label is, and I’m not even sure I want to be pigeonholed.
Does that mean she’s a libertarian?
This comment made me laugh.
“I am not altogether on anybody’s side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if you understand me" - Treebeard
The first time I read those words I couldn’t understand how much I would come to relate to them…
[Liked by Ana Kasparian]
“I am not altogether on anybody’s side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if you understand me" - Treebeard
So what happened to Treebeard next?
Turns out he realized he is on the side against the people killing all his friends. Since liberals can not have friends it makes sense they’d miss that part. Stupid fucks.
Oh god the Enlightened Centrism is unbearable
Does she argue for the elimination of age-of-consent laws?
This person claimed to be white passing for being Armenian. Rephrasing, this person claimed to be passing for Caucasian because she was from the actual caucus.
I really wouldn’t use very old racist typologies. If you were, you’d say she was of the Armenoid sub-race.
Some Nazi thoughts on the “armenoid” sub-race
In his works, Hans F.K. Günther portrayed the Jewish people as a specifically non-European racial mixture comprising Armenoid, Semitic, and Negroid elements.
The German physical anthropologist Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt characterized the Jews as a racial mixture that is primarily of the Armenoid type.
According to Croatian fascist Ustaše ideologists, only 5% of Croats, but 35% of Serbs were of the Armenoid race.
They described the race as being “characterized by a dark complexion and a personality prone to trickery, fawning and cheating”.
In the early 1900s in the US:
Armenians were also vilified for being stereotypically thievish and dishonest. Adults and children alike regularly faced racial invectives such as “dirty black Armenian,” “low-class Jew,” and – most commonly – “Fresno Indian.”
I think Armenians are generally seen as white in anglo countries, but it’s not a stable category.
I thought Armenians were considered white
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Depending on how much money they have.
Honestly everyday that Cenk doesn’t fire her he’s just blasting his own future prospects. But at this point it’s pretty clear that he doesn’t disagree enough or care enough (or agrees with her…).
TYT would better than letting your conservative dad watch Fox, CNN, etc.
But just barely.
That’s basically all it’s ever been. Something closer to “reality” but still definitely in the sphere of western bullshit.
And I’m just talking about how they discuss issues broadly. Not the editorialized rants that they go on, especially Ana
Honestly everyday that Cenk doesn’t fire her he’s just blasting his own future prospects.
Hasn’t Cenk basically always been just as bad lol
I can only think of a solid like 3 times I’ve watched clips from TYT that weren’t just Ana focused. One was when Hasan said America deserved a specific event. And probably some other stuff.
Cenk’s reactionary viewpoints are different from what I’ve see. Like he hates homeless people and loves cops. Complains about other shit that right wingers have dragged into “political” discussions (things that shouldn’t be up for debate.).
I just know Ana has been on a bridge-burning expedition to the far right for years now and while Cenk definitely agrees on some stuff, he doesn’t come off as gung ho “this is my hill. I will die here.” His hill is “homeless people are homeless because they’re morally bad and should be rounded up and… not shot! No, no not that!” Even though that’s clearly something he leans towards but knows he can’t just say it or people will realize how shitty his pro-police, anti-people policy ideas are.
Maybe he doesn’t touch trans issues (much) because Ana has it nailed down for the show or because he’s uncomfortable, but she certainly doesn’t feel any discomfort. Just keeps blabbing for years too, nonstop, over the perceived grievance of allegedly someone one time calling her a “birthing person” in a medical context. She took that shit personal… for no apparent reason other than stirring up unnecessary shit. Even got Ben Shabibo to make a video about the terminology. Ben “my mommy I mean wife is a doctor” Shapiro ranting about medical terminology… peak irony, peak idiocracy, who knows anymore
CW Beastiality in words
Cenk on his funny clown hammer arc.
First of all, 🤢
Though, the video has not been uploaded in good faith, just check the description
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I feel like I’ve never heard of most of these former left grifters till after they come out as former left grifters.
One exception being that annoying podcaster who was pretending to date Adam Friedland so people wouldn’t think he’s homo.
You’re right, I’ve changed.