So is Joe retiring to the settlements?
We are???
Not the time, Joe!
Looking forward to seeing him in Fallout S02 as a feral.
…do you want another 4 years of Trump? Cuz that’s how you get another 4 years of Trump.
Not cool, Grandpa Joe
Oh I haven’t made any mistake. We know, Jack.
Why do the representatives of this place not reflect the wishes of their constituents?
It does, that’s the problem.
AIPAC, christian fundies and defense got this bitch by the balls…
It is surprising how much controversy Ukraine support gets but god forbid the peasants ask questions about funding and providing logistics support for a genocide.
Can’t make this shit up folks… Welcome to 2020s and the 🤡 world we got from our dearest parents and their beloved “leaders”
Bootlicking has consequences.