God that must be awful. Your whole life you work hard and earn the money to buy a house, you keep your whole life in there, it’s your HOME. And then some fucking storm comes and just destroys it all. I mean, hopefully you & your loved ones survive, and that’s all that really matters, but to see all the physical representation of your life just washed away. I feel terrible for those people.
Time to socialize the losses
People have lost their homes. Please keep your political bickering out of this.
People die to shootings: “People have died! Nows not the time for politics.”
I don’t like that logic there, and this is exactly the same. It’s always the time for politics, because when people are engaged is the best time to change their minds.
Time to ban talking about climate change!
And privatize weather predictions so you don’t see it coming either.
How about… you cram it right about now?
When I woke after Hurricane Ivan I went outside and cried in the street. That was a love tap compared to this.
I knew a Helene and she was just as wet and wild
Yeah, I’m not in a flood zone, but seeing things like this is why I mounted a hatchet on my attic wall. It’s pretty certain I’ll never need it, but I can live a little lighter with the delusion that I’ll be able to hack my way onto the rooftop instead of dying, unfound, in a sweltering attic.
Plain and simple, this was climate change. North Carolina has had record rain fall this year. Also the hottest summer on record beating out 2023.
Plus side is we are expanding highways and building a lot more houses. Plus we are getting a Buc-ees, so at least we will have cold drinks while we fry and drown.
The town of Chimney Rock is gone.
No hyperbole.
It’s gone.
There are many more we won’t know about until next week. This is a national tragedy.