The most unrealistic thing about this illustration is that the majority of people are recording in landscape.
These assholes are going to vote for Project 2025, which would eliminate NOAA & NWS. Idiots.
In no uncertain terms: Go fuck yourself.
Homes are gone. People are dead. Most of the lives effected by this will never be the same.
Your takeaway is to try and score a cheap shot regarding voting demographics.
Poor excuse for a human being.
Yes how dare they call out a political party for actively working to make this situation worse
eh, fuck it. Not worth engaging.
I live here and I am not voting that way. I am hoping this wakes some of my ignorant neighbors up.
I hope it works out okay for you.
I assure you they will find a way to blame the blue team that is easily defeated with logic and facts but they will have already made up their mind.
Man, some of them, sure. I live here, there are a lot of good people without homes, power and water, or any way out of their neighborhoods right now. I know someone who’s whole fucking house just floated down the river, they barely got out with their lives.
Don’t make this into some election bullshit when WE ALL KNOW how many people in rural areas just get dragged along by those in power.
I’m waiting to hear back from several people myself. I have no idea if they’re okay. One of them is restoring a site off the Appalachian Trail as a historical marker for its history related to slavery, he’s genuinely a good person. As most of them are.
Have some fucking manners
Sorry for the losses but shit like this is caused by ignorance for and/or denial of climate change and its causes.
Don’t use the victims to silence the solution which indeed is better policies to avoid or at least dampen the impacts of climate change. And it is a political problem that can only be solved by voting for those who take care of the problem and don’t deny it.
I wish you and all the people there all the best. And as soon as you’re all safe please make sure you all go and fucking vote.
Unicoi county went for Bernie in the 2016 primaries. It’s a very small town that has gone through a lot of shit trying to claw it’s way out of horrendously bad politics in the 80s and prior. Bumpass cove, where I’m sure some of worst damage was, was the site of nuclear waste dumping, and has been the nucleus of a major swing to the left for a lot of people in the area. Right down the road is Johnson City, a very progressive college town. Dumping on the victims of a disaster because their neighbors, or even they, have shitty politics is a shitty thing to do. Maybe those school kids deserve to get shot because their grandpappy is a Republican? Yes, moments like this should be catalysts for change, but victim blaming isn’t the route to take to that.
Stick your liberal highroading up your ass. We’ve got a flood to deal with.
Out here acting like you know all about what’s going on here. We’ve got a lot of people working hard to bring progressive politics to the area, thank you. We’ve got a DSA chapter and all that good shit. I even know folks on the DRC that I respect a lot, and I’m an anarchist. East Tennessee State University is liberal as hell and Johnson City with it.
So, again, have some fucking manners and quit judging rural Appalachians like you bastards always have. We’re fuckin trying man.
They’re talking about the area’s average, not everybody in it.
And if they’re not, then they’re as dumb as the republican cunts they’re lambasting and their stupid opinions don’t matter.
Either way, you’re not in the blast zone. Hope the flood recovery goes as well as it can and your political efforts are successful!
NO. I watched rural Republicans laughing that my state was on fire. I saw them saying we deserve it because of “something something heathens”. Nobody deserves it. This is a national spotlight and I’m going to be as clear as day. We have one party who flat out denies climate change, which is directly causing all of this. We have another party who is not doing nearly enough, but at least have some plans. This is absolutely a political problem, because voting for the party who actively denied this is happening is slapping you in the face. You should absolutely be angry at them. People’s houses floated away and that party is shrugging and sending thoughts and prayers. Being active now is the empathetic approach.
Northerners just assume everyone in the South are ignorant conservatives. There’s no such thing as a red or blue state, it’s all shades of purple.
I mean, northerners assume that bc on average it’s mostly true. Southern states are absolutely full of ignorant people that prefer to stay ignorant and ignore the world around them. Roll coal baby! Let’s get rid of the dept of ed fuck yeah. Get rid of NOAA what’s it do for me?
I live in a deep red southern state, with a purplish metro area 150 miles away. 99% of my state will continue to vote for stupid policies that are bad for the state and the world at large. Red states exist bc the constituents vote that way.
It’s the same in the North though. The divide is rural vs metropolitan.
Hi, someone from Asheville checking in. Absolutely devastating here, much like Erwin up the road.
I’ve never been in a hurricane before this but it was absolutely insane. We’re so far inland, and so typically climate insulated. No one expected nearly this and it quickly overwhelmed everything we have. Just got soke cell back, I’ve heard potentially weeks for power for some and same on water.
Helene was only a category 4 and did this amount of damage. It’s insane.
“Only” a cat 4? It was one step away from the highest rating of 5…
I think because we’ve seen cat 5s do less damage across the nation. The category is for wind strength and doesn’t necessarily corelate with flooding /rain fall
Last I read this morning it was still a category 4 and never made 5.
Yes correct. But I’m more pointing that that saying “only a cat 4” comes across like if it was a weak storm that did all the damage. It was about 15mph shy of being the highest rating.
This was also a lot more powerful than the Appalachian mountain and westward communities are used to getting. They aren’t set up for it in the same way that communities East of them and on the coast are.
Yeah man-made climate change ain’t real, we get hurricanes in Tennessee all the time
And durechos in Iowa, and smoke covering the sky for months, and “cold snaps”, and hottest summers on record, yeah these are all normal things that I totally remember having as a child. Keep your heads in the sand people, it’s all just one crazy storm, they couldn’t possibly be all related
It doesn’t help when idiots keep building in flood plains.
Oh fuck off. “Then she shouldn’t have dressed like that” ass take.
Nature doesn’t ask for consent. It is an uncontrollable force. Flood plains will eventually flood just as certainly as a volcano will eventually erupt or the sun will rise. If you build a house in a flood plains it WILL be flooded. Maybe not this year, maybe not this decade, but it will happen eventually with absolute certainty.
thoughts and prayers
All you dumb flatlanders had to do was build on the hills. They’re right fuckin there and none of you ever think to do it.
So the mountains are filled with vacation rentals, skiing etc. all the roads shut down, Banner Elk NC they have to bring food and supplies by air right now.
“Gee that big floodplain at the foot of those hills sure looks nice. Better rebuild my formerly flooded home on this precise exact spot again instead of moving 500 feet to the left and building on that nice hill. That would just be stupid.”
Not climate change sure sucks, don’t it, Republicans. Anyway I live up north so I’m fine, at least as far as hurricanes are concerned.
People have lost their homes. Please keep your political bickering out of this.
Events like this will become more common and widespread due to those politics. But thoughts and prayers right?
People have lost their homes. Please keep your political bickering out of this.