I will absolutely not bitch about the cold. I spend every day above 70 F wishing it were the dead of winter. I spend every day of winter in pure bliss because I’m not just permanently uncomfortable.
You can mitigate the cold in a plethora of ways. Layers, blankets, central heating, radiators, fire, cuddling. The heat will make me miserable all the time and the best I can do is temporary relief by a cold shower.
On a subzero winter day I’m having the time of my life in the morning walking to a local bakery for some donuts to bring home. No way I’m doing that in summer, I’d be absolutely drenched in sweat when I got home.
The only thing high temps have going for them is a long growing season for the garden and being able to swim.
Since I can’t ever find the time to hit the lake or rivers anymore, I’d be perfectly happy with a green house and becoming more efficient with my planting schedule.
Plus, in the winter I get to wear scarves and jackets with extra pockets. Extra pockets are nice.
LOL what? I live in a place with high temps; you can’t grow shit here other than cacti and some bushes… Because of the high temps.
Or by “high temps”, do you mean temperatures in the 80s (27-32°C)? That’s November weather here.
This is art
Why would you ever bitch about cold? Just put on some clothes mate.