In Poland they only get BMX once per year if good harvest.
I wonder how much that cost to set up
The Prada cars probably cost a fortune, they could have saved money by using a cheaper brand.
- Ken M.
My lord. Whoever planned that is a fucking genius.
Red Bull, if anything has amazing marketing teams.
The alt-right is nothing without their marketing.
Sorry, did you sleep through any class that covered 1925-45 global events? 🫣
Is there anything more specific to connect Red Bull and alt-right? I’m not exactly a fan of Red Bull, but I wonder if there’s any real reason to avoid them
I know I’m a moron but isn’t this just purely visual? Like wouldn’t this be the same as doing it on the ground? Still looks really cool regardless but as far as degree of difficulty isn’t this just pretty much as hard as doing it anywhere else? I know this is extraordinarily difficult stuff anyways and it’s still impressive, I just don’t really get the point of the train other than just kinda looking neat cause of the frame of reference.
There’s couple extra factors
Wind - he’s sometimes moving even backwards on relation to the earth. That means you’ll feel the air resistance completely messing with your brain
The platforms - it’s extremely narrow, just 2m wide or something. He has to land the tricks very accurately to not get thrown off the train
The fucking train - there’s a non-zero chance in this to get driven over by a train
I’d say a bit more difficult, dude is managing his exact speed to stay in frame.
Yes, look again, it’s a commercial.
I think it would be a bit disorienting for the rider.
Off the top of my head, since he’s not moving, his momentum is very different than doing the tricks on the ground. He probably had to get a feel for the difference (notably the difference in air resistance, again, since he’s not moving forward).
My guess is the relative distance traveled is greater than usual for some of these things (train moves at a steady speed while he’s in the air, while an equivalent ground jump he’d have a velocity that would be decelerating).
wouldn’t it be the same as wind?
Introduction to physics professors everywhere are salivating.
Red bull is an evil company. Fuck their PR stunts.
At least 20 athletes sponsored by Red Bull or taking part in Red Bull events have died in training; while participating in their sport; or in circumstances related to their sport. The youngest was Toriano Wilson, a 14-year-old boy who was hit by another rider during a Red Bull motorcycle event in 2008.
Servus TV is a TV station based in Wals-Siezenheim in the Austrian state of Salzburg and owned by Red Bull Media House GmbH, a subsidiary of Red Bull GmbH … It is politically aligned with the far right.
I don’t think this is even the craziest stuff he’s done. Both brothers are crazy.
At the end, he did the thing Jamie Hyneman wasn’t allowed to do
It’s like watching a level of Motocross Maniacs
So it’s for sure a great achievement to master the timings etc. but aren’t the jumps rather easier than harder compared to a non-moving track? I mean, you have to jump ‘only’ upwards and don’t have to use any of your momentum on distance. Or do I oversee something?
From his frame of reference the train is still, so he’s using the same amount of energy.
Oh, is it? I thought that’s just applicable in an enclosed space. So if I jump on top of a moving something, I should still land in the same spot?
…yes? That’s how physics works (provided that that something is moving at a constant velocity). The only difference between an enclosed moving platform and unenclosed one is that there may be additional issues with the wind/surrounding air, but the train in this post isn’t moving fast enough for that to be a concern.