Pick a side already, strongboy.
His entire strategy on the global stage is to play both sides. The only difference between him and India is that India is not part of NATO.
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That’s the north Korean guy tho?
That’s the first good thing that has come out of his mouth since I can remember.
While we’re at it, give Kurdistan back to the Kurds as well
And hand Trump over to the Kurds so they can show him their appreciation for his betrayal when he was President.
They won’t even return the occupied part of Cyprus. Honestly I’m surprised that Russia still didn’t try to use that one for propaganda, since the Turkish claims are very similar to Russian ones and it’s a wedge between two NATO members.
Was Trump’s performance so bad that it accidently set Erdogan straight? What next, Putin straight up dies from a heart attack over shock? Kim Jung Un, so disgusted in his bff Trump ends up giving up the dictatorship and surrenders?
Erdogan is like a child of divorced parents, always playing both sides but also manipulating both on any sign of weakness.
The Krim was a battleground between the ottoman empire and Russia multiple times over, most known as the Crimean war, but in Napoleonic times too.