Party Over Country every single time
Translation: No, not at all but just in case he wins I don’t to be on his hit list.
“I don’t have to think. The party has already told me how to think.”
The reason there is a “party system” at all is because of our voting system. It forces a two party system and if you don’t listen to the parties you’ll throw your vote away. If we switch to Ranked Choice Voting this wouldn’t be a problem anymore and we’d be able to actually elect the most popular candidate.
He will unleash a bunch of unhinged right-wing radicals on my kids and try to ruin my life if i don’t support him, so of course i support him.
Haley also told Brennan she hasn’t been asked to campaign for Trump and isn’t advising him or his campaign, but she remains “on standby.”
and there you have it. happy to be his dishrag - pulled out and put away as needed.
Edit: word, republican-lites
It reminds me of the Republican-lites.
Bernie Sanders fell in line in 2016, 2020, and now in 2024.
As well as the squad and AOCPelosi.
Read a book.
Brush yo teeth, brush yo teeth, brush yo gatdaaaaamn teeth.
“Is it more important that democratic elections continue, or that your party win?”
“Well I do like being on the winning team…”
Hey Nikki? Hey, maybe that’s not a good thing. Maybe that’s something you shouldn’t be happy about, and something you should push back against if you actually care about your party or your country.
What’s that? You only care about your own skin?
“Well… he’s A candidate”
No spine. Unprincipled. Glad she’s not the nominee.
Translation: “How dare you ask me this”
she already flat backed herself by endorsing the orange traitor / brain worm infected MAGA ticket. Her days in the GOP of the future are done.
You think?