I knew it was bad but this is hilariously bad.
My favorite thing about this is that Ubisoft has single handedly made AAAA synonymous with awful.
“AAAA” is the sound you make after realizing what you did with your money.
In a couple of years we will have “AAAAAAHHHHH WHY WHY OH MY GOD WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF”-games.
Over the years I have learned to pay attention to certain keywords that made me be extra careful about games advertised. So when I heard of AAAA, I immediately knew that CEO was on ketamine and the game will start as a dumpster fire.
See you again in six months. Maybe it will be in an acceptable state by then.
“AAAA” is the sound you make when you start playing this abomination.
At this point what is “a” game means. Aaaa means this than why not just grade it aa?
Its all about money and development team size. A is generally indie, AA is a small-medium teams, AAA is large teams. AAAA is marketing terminology because everyone thought that AAA just meant better.
Wth is the point of stormtrooper armor. Has it ever done anything?
I read somewhere that the armor distributes blaster bolt shock through it so all the Stormtroopers get knocked unconscious. They don’t die, otherwise they may as well not wear it at all as they fall over after one blaster bolt.
But as with everything in Star Wars lore, that’s probably a desperate retcon.
And yet somehow I’m managing to enjoy it.
Lol people in this sub shitting on others for enjoying a game that they hate. Must be hard to comprehend the fact that tastes can differ.
It’s been a genuinely enjoyable game for me so far. Of course not without minor issues, but it does not even remotely deserve the hate it gets.
Same. It took me a bit to get the settings how Iiked them and figure out the gameplay loop. But now I think it is similar to Red Dead 2 or a Ghost Recon game. And it’s set on gorgeous Star Wars maps.
It’s okay but you’re going a little far comparing it to RDR2.
People call RDR2 a masterpiece and yes it’s very beautiful and very detailed. But the gameplay systems and controls don’t really feel quite right to me, and I feel the same the same way about Star Wars Outlaws. Plus to me the games just feel similar when you’re wandering around big wide open areas.
People enjoy bad things all the time. Think heroin or junkfood.
I can’t even remember the last time I saw an open world game where thr main character instantly drowns in water.
Elden ring comes to mind.
That’s because, considering the bosses you have to fight, every character is weighted down by their enormous balls.
I mean… all these glitches really seem tame compared to skyrim on launch. Talk about a dumpster fire but it’s one of the best selling games of the century.
Skyrim is kinda shit too.
Todd Howard will find you if this slander keeps up.
Most of these design decisions look like they were made to make the game incredibly bland and safe for a 5 year old to play.
Are you an outlaw or are you a big cuddly bear?
Who is this made for?
Star wars belongs to disney. Disney wants money from 0 to 99 year olds.
I’d guarantee that everyone here’s favorite game of all time had bugs on launch. I say this with the understanding that there are games that launched with few to no bugs- many or even most of the AAA games we all know and love stated out with issues.
But don’t let this get in the way of a good old fashioned pitchfork parade. Keep on hating.
I remember when games used to be shipped completed and without bugs that required day one patches or patches at all. Seems that shipping out games that aren’t optimized or ready to ship is so normal now that you say something like “everyone’s favorite game had bugs on launch”.
Because that’s where we are now. The internet made it easy to patch shit. This is how it is. We’re not going back to how it was because we’ve moved on from that. It sucks, but that’s how it is.
We can cry about how it used to be- knowing it can’t be that way again , or we can accept that things are different now and move on.
Want things the way they were? You’re you got have to remove the internet- yep…. The same internet you use to download that game and skip going to the brick-and-mortar is the same intern responsible for making patching incomplete games a thing.
Good luck.
sooo, don’t buy games at launch?
Also, plenty of AAA games never see their bugs get patched. I got stuck in a room in Dead Space for about 20 minutes trying to figure out the puzzle when it was just the boss that failed to load. This was a documented bug that was reported five years earlier.
Also, this isn’t what a pitchfork parade looks like. It’s not nearly that important.
I didn’t say that either. But games have bugs at launch. They get fixed. But judging a game on its day 1 is fucking stupid.
Indeed there are plenty of games with way more bugs than this one but bugs themselves are not the issue.
Skyrim had and still has many bugs but despite all that it’s a good game.
This game will remain bad even if you’ll fix all bugs.
Expecting a decent product for the price you paid == hating. What a 2024 moment.
That’s not at all what I said. And the fact that you need to create this straw man in order to have a response lends to the fact that you’re the type of person that will take a video on YouTube to be an example of what is happening to everyone that has played it.
Stay mad, bro.
Well, I’d rather be mad about being scammed then bend over for a shitty studio, but this is a safe space mate. No one’s kink shaming here.
Well, I guess you dodged that bullet, eh… mate? But do know there are tons of people playing it that haven’t and probably won’t experience the issues in your cute little hate video. I hope that doesn’t upset you too much.
Why would I be upset about other people? You ok mate?
I’m fine mate. and why would you be upset? I can’t answer that. I’m not the one that posted a lame video showcasing a day one compilation of glitches in a video game I have no intention of playing.
Have a day bud. I’m moving on. Maybe you should as well.
There was nothing to move on from in the first place. Maybe you just want to have your opinions validated by others too much? This was posted for laughs and as can be seen by the votes, almost everyone here got it. What you’re doing is just unhealthy mate. Take care.
I do think games typically launched with fewer bugs before it was common to be able to patch games over the internet
Oh I’m sure that’s the case as well. Totally agree, however- people really need to relax on this shit. No Man’s Sky and CP2077 both serve as perfect examples that day one isn’t a finished product.
The people need to lighten up.
The day a full price is asked is the day a finished project should be expected.