I can promise you, if a guy saw a sexy nude women in a window one time, every time he walks down that street he will look at the window, just in case
Peepers gonna peep
Not exactly the same. But your point still stands
That is the whole point of an analogy.
Lemmy has reminded me that many, MANY people stopped paying attention in class after 5th grade and considered “Animal Farm” a long and confusing read.
That one is great. The sequel to the 1995 film Babe I believe.
Makes sense, the 90’s turned everything edgy.
I’m a fan of the third one, 2022’s “Piggy”
It works untill you realise that the chance of seeing the woman again is not 0 but finding another pie in the same bish pretty much is.
I honestly can’t believe you submitted that after typing it out. “The probability of one isn’t zero, but the other one… also isn’t zero.” Lol
They are both neae zero but one is way closer to it than the other.
I kept going back to the place where I met my ex girlfriend, in the hopes I’d keep meeting cool girls there…god that sounds way more sad than I wanted it to.
Depends on the place. Her house? Yea, that’s a lot more sad. Arcade, skatepark, etc? You’re good.
My dog once saw another dog kick up the ground after pooping to cover it. She now does it every single time, but didn’t learn it right so she ends up kicking up dirt randomly in other directions for a few seconds.
My uncle had a dog for about 10 years. Took him camping every weekend and would chill out by the truck all day. No issues. One random dog came up and peed on the truck tire once. Dog said “wait what you can do that?” and for the rest of his life pissed on the truck. It was a mindvirus.
Motherfuckers need to be aware that this is MY FUCKING TRUCK. Can’t believe I gotta make this clear, but I’ve personally seen that there exists dumb motherfuckers in this world that do not understand.
We had a rescue that at some point watched a male dog pee. She would squat then lift her left leg and pee. It was hysterical to watch.
Dogs don’t care that much about covering their poop, they just do it as a way to mark their territory and such.
I’m something of a pie bush inspector myself.
When I was a little kid, I found a dollar in a dresser drawer. I suspect a family member put it there to surprise me and forgot about it or didn’t know that I found it because I didn’t announce it. I kept opening my dresser drawers hoping magical money would appear for a long time. Sadly, it was only the one time.
I’m the same way with mushroom spots.
But that makes sense for mushrooms. The bulk of the fungus lives in that spot underground, you’re just hoping it survives and fruits again
My old pup found a slice of pizza under a fence once. That was forever pizza fence.
My dog found a piece of chicken one time and similar to that she always goes crazy when we get around that area.
She also got jumped by two chihuahuas near this house and is always super paranoid walking backwards and everything when we get near there only until we get closer to the house with the cats she starts hyper focusing because she knows as soon as we get past the fence she can look to the right and see a fat cat that she stares at intensely. Compared to my other dog next to her who is blissfully ignorant of all things going on around him
Dusty better be finding some occasional pies.
This is true.
I dropped a Bratwurst when I was stacking them on the plate to bring inside off the grill.
Wasn’t going to wash it off, it was covered in dirt. It was the dog’s lucky day when I called her to come collect it.
Now, every single time she gets let out she has to check the brat-drop-spot and make sure another hasn’t materialized in her absence.
You’ve gotta drop another one for her
An opossum got into our garage a few months ago and our dogs found it. They had the poor thing cornered and hissing. I got them out of the garage and after making sure they didn’t get bit, I evicted the possum.
The dogs do everything they can to get into that garage and make a beeline for that corner every time.
If only I knew whete he lived, I’d put a pie in the next bush. Then in the next one.
That’s really wholesome lol
Why would…pie be in bush?
Maybe the pie was there first and the bush grew around it.
/s right?
No, I’m dead serious. I believe an exposed pie would survive on the ground long enough for a whole bush to grow around it and then subsequently be eaten by a dog. I am in no way being humorous.
Why would a dog eat a bush though.
Peer pressure.
Any nonzero probability is good enough for Dusty