There’s a rule against that, yeah, but it’s easy to get around the rules. All he needs to do is get one of his colleagues to scratch it for him.
Now everyone stand in a circle with a hand down your neighbors pants.
I worked a couple fast food jobs in college. Trust me when I say, you shouldn’t eat fast food.
There was an incident with the cheese sauce when I worked at Arby’s. I have not had any processed cheese sauce from any restaurant since.
I have a feeling I’m going to regret asking, but what kind of “incident”?
A pimply, greasy, meth smoking teen jerked off into my the cheese sauce. Or at least bragged about it to one of the co-workers.
Needless to say we had to dump the batch. As if they wasn’t bad enough, when we dumped it, the bottom was caked in some kind of disgusting mold. It had probably been weeks or months since it had been emptied or cleaned
Yup, I just knew I was going to regret asking…
Spice up that food with some yummy tape worm eggs. 🌶️
Now I know how they make the Pintos N Cheese.
I, too, am a fan of the brain worms taking over my body.
If it works for a Presidential candidate then it works for meeeee!
Have you ever wondered what makes special sauce so special?
A few weeks ago I stopped at a mcdonalds and caught what looked like the manager packing burgers with his bare hands. Like, grabbing the patty, bun, lettuce, everything without gloves. I tried to take a picture but he saw me staring and put some gloves on.
Gloves in a kitchen is just an illusion of hygiene. The gloves can be dirty and hands can be washed while gloves can’t. So what you’ve actually done is pressured a hapless manager into following an arbitrary rule and I don’t think that’s very nice of you.
100% this.
I’ve seen shops where workers are handling food and then working the register all with the same gloves on.
Then there’s this Korean spot I go to for fried chicken. They process payment and then put on fresh gloves right next to the register. Not making a show of it. Just workflow. Then they go handle/pack food and discard gloves after handing your order over.
Blew my mind.
They aren’t following health codes and should be reported. People not following rules IS NOT evidence for those rules being useless.
Or do you think murder should be legal because some do it anyways?
If I saw murder as frequently as fast food employees taking payment and handling food with the same gloves, yes. Absolutely should be legal for me to murder someone for taking my parking spot.
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Maybe. But at least I’m not the type of person who calls people names when they oppose my views.
Good job opposing … checks notes … food and health safety rules…
Genuinely, pathetic.
Wrong. Skin has FAR more crevices than gloves, has more bacteria naturally on it, and has literal body fluid coming off of it.
If you think skin is as sanitary as gloves, you are a moron who knows nothing of basic germ theory or the foggiest idea of how gross biology is.
I know I can just wash my hands and be clean enough to handle food! It’s my job after all. This actually isn’t the first time I’ve been challenged by someone quoting all kinds of irrelevant scientific concepts: once I said you can wash veg in cold tap water (which is true where we live!) and this young squirt piped up going on about stillwater, breaking surface tension, bacteria… the knowledge apparently isn’t worth much without real world experience!
You can cite “conventional wisdom” all you want.
It will NEVER. EVER make skin less germ-prone than a fresh glove. Obstinance doesn’t make you right. It makes you a fool.
Well, for one thing, I’m citing the opposite of conventional wisdom, and for the other thing, I’m not saying hands are more or less germ-prone than fresh gloves; I’m arguing the opposite, namely, that they’re as clean as each other. You should really pay attention before being such a sarky cunt.
They are, in fact, NOT “as clean as each other”. That is stupid and what I said still directly refutes that stupid thought.
For handling food, they certainly are as clean as each other! Unless you think gloves magically repel dust and so on while sitting in the open box on the kitchen shelf?
That’s why we wouldn’t let undergrads wear gloves until the later years where they use toxic material. Better one kid gets a drop of acid on their hand than them spreading it everywhere.
Isn’t it normal for food service workers to just wash their hands rather than wear gloves? I don’t think I’ve ever seen gloves at a fast food place.
It’s normal in restaurants that aren’t fast food
They’re supposed to wash their hands and wear gloves. And, at least at the ones I work at, there are boxes of gloves at nearly every station so there’s no excuse to not have any on.
No its not normal. And it was an easy way to get fired at the restaurants I worked. Zero tolerance rules on food safety.
I don’t think there’s a single state in the US that allows you to make food without gloves.
The only exception I’ve seen is when you’re dealing with the ingredients before they’ve been cooked, like with pizzas.
Extra flavour
It’s part of the beef seasoning.
number 15
I don’t get it. What’s the reference?
Burger King foot lettuce
A meme of an employee purposefully contaminating food that got them fired
There’s that taco bell brand ground beef.
No, I think it would actually be disgusting if there was a rule preventing this? It’s his body, just let him scratch his damn arse.
However, there should absolutely be a rule about washing your hands afterwards though.
He’s doing it in the line, ain’t no chance he’s going to go to the bathroom to do something he should have done in the bathroom in the first place.
…in Australia at least, it would be very illegal to run a food service business where the employees have to go all the way to the bathroom to wash their hands.
Source: 4 years in food service. And no, I didn’t stick my hands down my pants. But I was definitely being paid more than this guy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You don’t have to wash your hands in the bathroom, no. You do have to do things regarding fingering your asshole out of public sight and away from food handling areas and no he cannot wash his poopie hands where the splash back can hit food.
It shouldn’t be that close to food either. You’re right he should do it out of public view. Like I’m not condoning his actions, but I’m not ready to condemn him either. This is why you should pay the people who prepare your food well. Then maybe he’d be paid enough to give a shit. Support minimum wage laws.
I just don’t eat out much anymore. I have food allergies anyway so it’s probably best anyway.