And so, the brown shirts are making them think twice. What a sad day for America as domestic terrorism wins.
We have to stand up to fascists even when they threaten us with violence otherwise the fascists win. There is no sign up sheet to stop fascism. There is no safe way to stand against fascists. There is no future worth living in under fascist rule. Fascists do not go away if the society that spawned them stays the same.
If threats to someone’s safety is where we decide our resistance to fascism ends that is where our freedoms end. We do not have to shame this woman, but we do have to disagree with her decision. If we allow her decision to be incorrectly labeled as a reasonable strategy for self-preservation then we will all be living in a christo-fascist dictatorship.
It’s liberty or death. That idea is one of the last remaining cornerstones of our democracy. If living is more valuable to use than freedom then we will be incapable of stopping the fascists.
Fascism proceeds one step at a time. One day you wake up and everything is different. Today is that day. The people saying to stand up to fascists got it right. The people calling them armchair warriors and telling people to choose life over liberty lost the plot. The fascists plan is to take power by any means necessary and then kill the people they hate indiscriminately. To stop them we must stand against them even if that means risking death.
Sorry, but some guy threatened another driver with a pipe in front of 10 cars in front of my house, and I was the only one to step in and I’m the only reason the situation didn’t escalate. And the only reason I can think of why I did so, is that I don’t have much to lose in practice.
It’s scary to intervene and despite your pandering, I suspect you’ve never been in a situation where you have to choose to put your life in danger (I’ve also done mountaineering/glacier travel and got a pilot licence which really opens your eyes up).
It’s easy for you to disrespect her gracefully and talk crap when you’ve never been in a dangerous situation where you can choose to make a difference that might screw you permanently.
There are a million things that will run through your mind when you yourself are (ie, you will likely be advised by people that you could be in danger, etc). When the situation is outside of your control, you think differently.
Snowden and Assange did that and look how that worked out.
Trump and the MAGA movement are the fascists. Snowden and Assange didn’t stand against them. In fact, what happened to them is very likely to happen to lots of people if the fascists take power.
Stop treating these fucks with kid gloves for fucks sake. Press the goddamn charges! Quit being fearful of retaliation because that is exactly what the rapist and his cult want. This is frustrating.
The problem is that as a random cemetery worker who can’t afford bodyguards 24/7, pressing charges stands a significant chance of getting you killed.
And doing nothing only emboldens them.
For sure. But as an individual, it makes a lot of sense to hide instead of fight.
Why the fuck can’t the police place charges anyway? Here in Canada any assault charge is automatic, it doesn’t require the victim to do anything. Is that not true in the US?
Conservatives are violent and sadistic by nature. There are some who are openly willing to fight them, but most people would rather avoid such dangerous confrontations. I don’t blame her.
This enemy is best fought when they aren’t sure who is hitting them. Smile. Blend in. Look friendly. Do what’s needed when they least expect it and get away. Rinse, repeat. Attracting negative attention from these cockroaches is not worth the risk, no matter who you are.
This is part of a statement put out by Chris LaCivita, a Trump campaign spokestroll:
For a despicable individual to physically prevent President Trump’s team from accompanying him to this solemn event is a disgrace and does not deserve to represent the hollowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Whoever this individual is spreading these lies are dishonoring the men and women of our armed forces, and they are disrespecting everyone who paid the price for defending our country.
I don’t know what makes me angrier, his assault on the English language (it’s “hallowed,” you utter dipshit), or his pathetic attempt at DARVO.
Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender for anyone else who didn’t know.
So it’s not illegal then, seeing as there are no consequences for doing it.
It’s illegal for Democrats.
All it takes for evil men to triumph…
Trump is a cunt and anybody who ever voted for him is a cunt.
I know it’s obvious and everybody already knows it but I saw his abortion of a face on my feed so now you have to hear it again.
Don’t disservice abortions by comparing them to Trump. Abortions save lives, Trump doesn’t.
He also lacks the depth and warmth to be a cunt.
I would press charges. This just shows bullying works.
That’s easy to say, you don’t know what already happened aside from her attempt to stop this. She could have had awful threats, maybe even towards her kids.
She already fought and lost, and there was and is still no one openly supporting her. Read the article, not even the military ( her employer) does.
Isn’t it up to the local district attorney to press charges? Usually they won’t go ahead if the victim won’t cooperate, but that doesn’t mean they can’t.
IANAL, but I believe that is only a thing in Commonwealth states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Virginia. In normal states, I don’t believe it is standard practice for the state to pick up the charge if the victim refused to prosecute.
Good thing Arlington is in Virginia then… Oh wait, fucking youngkin
The silent fear of Trump and his cultists strikes again. It is one of things he does a lot where people know how deranged his base is and don’t want to hold him accountable.
I always thought it was the DA that brought charges. What do they mean by won’t press charges?
If a victim says “don’t do anything, I won’t cooperate with criminal prosecution” then the DA often chooses not to proceed.
Not at all. They can and do charge people.
It’s often difficult to proceed with prosecution if the victim doesn’t want to move forward, but there’s no hard and fast rule. And, it is clearly above this guy’s pay grade to be single handedly tangling with a movement that might well kill him for the effort with no repercussions.
It is the army’s place to say “clearly this is a violation and we DGAF what the staffer in the ground thinks about it” in order to try to shield him from responsibility, and then do their 1,000% best to rake Trump and the people responsible over the fucking coals regardless. This is like institutionalism responsibility mechanics 101.