You ever wear a crop top as a male? Life changing.
The sexiest thing a man can be is secure. Wear a crop top, fuck a dude, paint your nails. Theres nothing feminine about it.
I tried my wife’s knit crop top on. Personally I didn’t find it great but she was howling with laughter.
If that’s how you feel about a crop top, wait till you try a kilt. Wooooo
I use the yes/no head shake whenever I can!
when I worked at walmart some people would get so offended if I suggested wearing the opposite genders clothes even if the item was basically the same for males and females.
a polo shirt for men is cheaper and you’re probably just wearing it because of your workplace why does it matter?
That always gets me too. “is this men’s or women’s”? Well if you can’t tell does it matter?
I’ve seen female and male caps 💀 like cmon how more unisex can you get?
They’re not women’s clothes. They’re my clothes. I bought them.
Eddie Izzard
I agree with the sentiment and even own some opposite-gender clothing that I love. However, some clothing is cut certain ways to flatter stereotypical shapes so you may want to be aware if a shirt if cut to accentuate breasts or cut for certain shape hips.
Just pay a bit more attention to the cut of the clothing and you’ll be fine though; everybody is shaped a little different so it may work for you. My aunt wore mens jeans basically her whole life, she said they were cheaper and more durable.
I agree. This is mostly true. There was an episode of Tacoma FD where Lucy complains about the uniforms not fitting her properly.
Say that to any parent over here
Correction “if you start acting like a little bitch about it.”
While I agree with the message, they may be a few exceptions. A g-string for example is hard to use for a male. But that’s just me.
For those that just aren’t ready to go commando.
Post pics and let the community decide. It’s the only rational course of action.
I wish I could but I don’t have a girlfriend anymore at the moment, so no g-strings in my flat and I’m not sure I would feel comfortable buying one. I can however comfortably walk in high heels. But again, that girlfriend who had bigger feet than me was from a long time ago so no picture sorry.
Glad I don’t have to see that pic unblurred on the homepage! xD