One of my favourite applications. I stopped paying for spotify and just use this to get music these days. Everything gets uploaded to youtube anyways.
Downloading music from YouTube will get you MP3s, but they will have gone through the YT compression algorithms.
Use Deemix instead. Downloads MP3s straight from the Deezer servers with all metadata and album art.
Deemix? More like Mix Deez Nuts!
I’m sorry.
Discontinued in 2022
You’re right, but it does still work.
Does it automatically grab things like metadata (author, cover art, etc.) for you? And if it requires a flag, do you know it?
It’s very automatic with just pointing it at the media’s URL, but also highly configurable if you want.
I don’t bother personally for the most part but it seems like you can do it via --embed-metadata, --parse-metadata, and --embed-thumbnail.
Unless the artist only posts on YouTube, try soulseek. Most files have metadata already included, and if they don’t, you can just download from another user.
May I suggest SpotDL specifically for Spotify:
Does it work anymore? I’ve been getting the 500 error while trying to use it for a couple of months non stop.
I’ve been using it recently without many issues
Huh. Wonder why its so finicky. Oh well, maybe I’ll give it another go in the future.
Absolutely. Bar none. Here’s my config for downloading best quality YT videos (but works for other sites too) if anyone wants to base theirs on it:
It’s the main way I watch youtube now. After Piped and Newpipe stopped working for me across all devices, I only use 2 methods of watching Youtube now. Open in mpv (which is configured to use yt-dlp in the backend to make things faster), and download using yt-dlp. So it’s key to me keeping on watching Youtube. Recently, I’ve started getting ads showing up even on Mobile Vivaldi, so no more YT on my phone.
So my new workflow is to use Piped to find a video, then copy the end of the link and type “yt-dlp <C-S-v>” in a terminal, wait for the video(s) to download, and open in mpv.
In some cases, use Qutebrowser, with a custom keybind to open a video in mpv.
Newpipe works fine for me. They always fix it almost immediately.
Yeah, but I use a fork called Tubular so I can get SponsorBlock and ReturnYoutubeDislike.
Edit: Turns out I just missed that there was an update. Phone playback is back!
Try FreeTube.
Maybe just pay for YouTube Premium at at that point? It pays the video creators, and you don’t have to have a janky playback setup.
Why would anyone want to support one of the most evil companies in the world alongside though?
If you don’t like Google keeping a cut, then sign up for all the Patreons for everyone you watch.
Now this is a much better answer but some people still just can’t afford that.
Right, that’s why ads exist.
But they don’t exist without terrible data collection with illegal elements. Dry capitalism never ends well, mister/miss.
The two options for compensating a creator for their work online are advertisements or direct payments. There are no other functional alternatives. In a better world, more countries would have grants or universal basic income, but that’s not the world that exists right now.
Capitalism doesn’t change the fact that giant companies fundamentally lack the right to hijack my attention and implant their bullshit in my head.
Good news, there is a subscription service to prevent that and also still pays the creators.
No matter how hanky this setup is, the official YouTube app is jankier.
It pays the video creators
Then why are almost all of them on patreon and ask for a donation?
Because it’s an additional source of revenue, and they can provide rewards outside of YouTube.
How ever YouTubers get paid is entirely between the YouTubers and YouTube, that is the relevant contract. Adblocking is necessary for user security and not negotiable. I do choose to pay some YouTubers via Patreon but that’s completely a personal choice that I feel no obligation towards,
Does it work for movies that “require you to sign in to verify your age”?
I have been using Jdownloader2 for years… I don’t know what the differences are, but might be an option for people who want something GUI based
If you need a gui or are trying to monitor playlists I would recommend TubeArchivist.
This is wonderful, I’ve been struggling with piped for some time now, it’s always asking me to sign in to confirm that I’m not a bot. Also it’s showing me videos in very low quality and often it stops loading halfway through the video. With this I get to see good quality videos once more, without unwanted pauses and without financing yt in any way. Great!
yt-dlp is great, but if you need to archive playlists automatically, want a repository, or otherwise prefer a gui I would recommend TubeArchivist.
I use parabolic on PC and Seal (on F-Driod) to download yt videos. Both are just YTDLP with a GUI because I’m not an arch user
This is something I cant live without
Maybe a little bit shameless plug from me, but I want point to my Bash script for Linux to make the daily yt-dlp life easier:
yt-dlp-lemon -h
will show only a few options andyt-dlp-lemon -H
shows everything the script supports.I wrote my own web app in Python, using pytube-fix and its lightning fast. Great library. I found a recent screenshot that’s a bit behind in commits but you get the idea.
Edit: I published the source code, please note there is a LOT of work left to do, but it works.
I didn’t see anything like this image in the pytube-fix repo. Do you have a repo of the web interface somewhere? That looks really handy.
Will do! Edit: done:
Thanks! Would you happen to know how to install with pipx? I don’t fully understand Python venv stuff, but I followed instructions on how to install yt-dlp using pipx. I’m not clear on whether I could do that with your app.
I’ll take anything with a GUI instead.
All of the good video downloaders are just a wrapper for using this, so it’s not really “instead”.
I tried a few times, but the video and audio are often out of sync. Anyone have this issue?
Strange. I downloaded thousands of videos with this tool (but just watched a handful of them) and never noticed an out of sync. Can you point me to a video I can download and test where you have this issue? Is it a new issue? Maybe Google is trolling us or you or your region.
This one was real bad
I’ve downloaded it and replayed the video file in VLC Player. Just skipped parts and listened to it a few seconds, also towards and at the end when we see the person speaking. It looks fine to me, the lips are synced to what he is speaking. Besides that the uploader could have made a mistake (I’ve seen videos desynced online), this seems to be fine. It could be a problem with the video player or codec on your system? Or the ffmpeg version you have (yt-dlp uses ffmpeg to do stuff).
It’s hard to say what’s going on. I can only confirm that downloading this video with yt-dlp looks correctly synced to me. Edit: I remember in the past I had a video player that would out of sync for long video sessions. It was a problem with some codec not properly supported or like that and switching the video player worked. I have no more information, it was random on a Tuesday morning years ago.
Wow, thanks for the reply! I guess it must be a problem on my end. I was playing with kodi on a raspberry pi, so I’m not surprised, but really helpful to know that it’s not the downloader.
I’ve had audio sync issues on kodi myself-- specifically osmc on Vero V which is optimized for playback. I tried checking my notes, because it was some time ago. Nothing definitive, but it may have been related to a random crashing issue that turned out to be a bad hdmi port-- which was the last thing I considered checking after triple checking everything else. Anyway, good luck with the troubleshooting. Audio sync issues are a pain but I can also attest yt-dlp has been solid.