Oklahoma’s education board has revoked the license of a former teacher who drew national attention during surging book-ban efforts across the U.S. in 2022 when she covered part of her classroom bookshelf in red tape with the words “Books the state didn’t want you to read.”
The decision Thursday went against a judge who had advised the Oklahoma Board of Education not to revoke the license of Summer Boismier, who had also put in her high school classroom a QR code of the Brooklyn Public Library’s catalogue of banned books.
An attorney for Boismier, who now works at the Brooklyn Public Library in New York City, told reporters after the board meeting that they would seek to overturn the decision.
Chasing away your teachers is a great way to make sure your state stays at the bottom of every US state comparison table, so great job.
… is a great way make an uneducated population for the benefit of the next authoritarian ruler
Yes. Failing the populace is not a side-effect, it’s the point.
Oklahoma imports it’s high education labor from neighboring Nebraska and Texas, then keeps the locals ignorant and pliable for the cheap local labor
neighboring Nebraska
Kansas: “Am I a joke to you?”
Yes. Kansas is a joke
its very telling that they want children to not only not have access to these materials, but not know they they are be prevented from seeing those materials.
kind of horrifying… very weird ,cult-like behavior from conservatives.
Right? This is some legitimate dystopian shit.
deleted by creator
Thank you, Summer Boismier, for standing up for what is right and being a true patriot.
Shout out to the Austin Public Library (and Austin as a whole) for continuously telling the Texas legislature to go fuck itself.
Teacher will eventually get a fat, taxpayer-funded lawsuit award. The republicans are such backwards, self-hating, broken people.
How hard would it be for another state, that isn’t so dedicated to shooting its own foot, reinstate/award them a teaching license as a gesture?
More nazi shit. . .
I fuckin hate Oklahoma Nazis.
I don’t discriminate, I hate all Nazis equally
Do you think its a feedback loop that states with the worst test scores make the worst decisions about education?
A designed loop until they can make the whole thing implode and eliminate public education. Goal is to then drive to religious schools with vouchers that cost more and more work time and importantly to keep woman in the home, not working, and persistently pregnant.
No because the same fuckers have been in power for the last 70 years. They’re the ones that started the changes.
Walters said at Thursday’s meeting that Boismier violated rules that prohibit instruction on topics related to race and gender. He told reporters that she “broke the law.”
Oh? I didn’t realize providing a link to an online resource was considered teaching or had anything to do with race or gender. 🤔
That’s fine. Oklahoma totally does not have a shortage of teachers or anything. /s
I’m not a lawyer so could someone explain to me how laws like this don’t immediately fail a prior restraint test?
I mean, the solution is pretty easy: just stop teaching children to read. See? Problem solved.
Only ‘god’s word’ may be read. But only by those appointed by ‘god’.
Reading is the apple in Eden.
This is how it used to be. Ordinary people couldn’t read the Bible, so they had to take the priests’ word for what was in there. Some evangelicals would truly like to return to this.
PraegerU content? Totally fine.
Books kids actually want to read? Verboten.
An attorney for Boismier, who now works at the Brooklyn Public Library in New York City
I am assuming and hoping they are talking about the teacher getting a job there. That’s fucking awesome if so
I’m hoping the same, that’s quite the story in and of itself.
Streisand effect go!
Does anyone have that qr code ?