I wonder what “limited lifetime warranty” means.
- Pick some friends that you like
- Download “I Am Never Going To Give You Up” by Rick Roll
- Put the song on the disk in very low quality .mp3
- Give the disks away as “fun, retro” drink coasters
- Watch as they use the coasters, unaware that you Rick Rollered them
this…is a great idea!
Especially since I have friends who will go to some effort to find out what’s on the disk out of curiosity.Lol whoops, I meant to give a wrong answer, my bad
Make sure to name the file inconspicuously but temptingly, relating to the old days, like Bill Gates confession.mp3 or DJ Mike Llama - Llama Whippin’ Intro.mp3
They make really good coasters, will recommend.
Rick rollercoastered.
Poor Mr. Astley, forever known as Mr. Roll
He had his run during the 80s. He’s enjoying a second wind with the Rick roll.
It made me wanna listen to the rest of his music once I actually fully heard Never Gonna Give You Up
Make sure to use this version of the song
just in case someone sticks it in a working drive, add a file to the floppy named
and add the following to it with a text editor:
[autorun] open=Microsoft.Media.Player.exe icon=icon.ico
while i doubt it will actually work, if it does, it would be quite hilarious in my opinion. there’s probably, hopefully, safeguards that prevent such a thing from working and i likely have the syntax wrong, i haven’t used windows in years.
We use old floppies as coasters!
I have people all the time ask “these are so cute, where did you get them?”. RadioShack. 25 years ago.
I fuckin LOVE this!!! It’s absurd in the extreme and yet, so fuckin cool!
I humbly bow to your greatness of creativity.
Thanks! I was intending for it to be more of a shitpost, but I guess I’m not very good at those, it turns out
Nah it’s awesome. Like you can then tell them “Hah you’ve been rickrolled” haha.
Label in sharpie as “Bitcoin password” and superglue to the sidewalk in a busy area. Watch people try to pick up.
This is 98% the right answer, but you drop them somewhere that keeps them intact, and believable enough so that people take them, and spend the rest of the weekend going to thrift stores trying to find an external floppy drive, and the next month trying to figure out how to get their iPhone to mount it.
This but put your own floppy drives up on local listing sites for ridiculous prices. Lmao it’s almost too evil.
That’s more like a scam than a prank
¿Por que no los dos?
Alternatively, you could write
- “Someone help me I’m trapped in here!”
- “Nuclear attack scenarios”
- “You put this disk here to save your life, do not ignore”
This is the right answer. You failed hard.
Stuck to the fridge using a hard drive magnet!
Dude. RAID.
If this is wrong, I’m not sure I want to be right.
I am in awe
Click on them to save your files.
Just carry one around with you and whenever something important happens or you are about to do something risky, pull it out, press it with your finger and loudly say “Save”.
Edit: Bonus points for carrying a huge cardboard mouse pointer to click with.
Edit 2: I really should read all the replies before starting to type.
Hitting the save right before the murder spree.
Big open world RPG protagonist vibes
Download a car
You wouldn’t dare
Contact TDK about extending that limited lifetime warranty.
Label one “Important Documents” and then attach it to your refrigerator door using a fridge magnet
Get a few suitcases at Goodwill or something, stick a floppy and some ‘redacted’ papers in a red envelope, leave them in random places around town and observe what happens. Make sure to wear a trench coat and sunglasses when you ‘forget’ them at each drop point.
Combine them into a blazing fast 14.4 MB RAID 0.
Wow, those floppy drives are really singin’. Heheh
Had no idea you could actually do this.
How’d I know it would be action retro
Carry one in your pocket so you can whip it out in a threatening gesture… like in the film hackers
Or throw a diskette in the trash while being chased by the police, then yell “HACK THE PLANET!” from the back of the police car.
Split up something like Puppy or Damn Small Linux across them all.
Build a PC with 15-20 floppy drives and insert and mount them all.
Boot Linux off of all the floppies.
Build a PC with 15-20 floppy drives and insert and mount them all.
10 floppy drive raid, please. don’t want to lose that critical data
Whatever you do, as soon as you crack it open get your nose right up there and inhale deeply.
Aaahhhhhhhh the aroma of 1995.
The cleanest breath you’ll ever take
Nah, probably smells like cigarettes
Start a porn collection of high quality pictures. Be sure to zip span them across all disks… all 1 photo
see how many of them it takes to hold a single 4K image
That’s just over 8MP.
You could easily store a 4K Image on a floppy in half-way decent quality, two with visible jpeg artifacts.okay so make it bigger
Put a 240p rick and roll video inside and write cryptic labels on them. Spread them around the city and rest knowing that someone is going to go through hoops only to get Rick rolled.
Oh man, make it a split zip file of 1.44Mb on each disk, hidden in separate places with hints. A Rick roll treasure hunt
“Rick and roll” 😆