Drink more water, that’s my solution
I feel like drinking any more water mill make me become a solution
Sackboy ! :D
I miss LBP
Me too :(
I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice!
If this happens to you, it’s time to check your electrolytes! Cramping can be a sign of low potassium. Most healthy people should be aiming for 2g+ of potassium per day.
Popularly known food sources of potassium (like banana and avocado) aren’t super great in a pinch. Coconut water, or beverages like Electrolit / Pedialyte, do a better job. For your regular dietary intake, there are lots of foods better than banana and avocado at getting you the potassium you need.
This post brought to you by the fucking awful leg cramps I used to get when eating a low carb diet.
I’ve had ones so severe I thought my tendons were going to snap, waking me up in the middle of the night and I’m screaming and doing sympathy whines pleading for mercy. I have genuine fear of the bed time calf and/or foot cramp.
FYI if you ever get leg cramp, completely straighten your leg, and flex your feet upwards, towards your shin. This will stretch your leg muscles and stop the pain almost immediately.
Used to happen to me quite a few times, esp. when being a kid doing lot of sports. Once I was afraid I would drown when getting leg cramp in the pool, but this method saved me.
You likely have a potassium deficit. I had cramps all the time until I took vitamin supplements that contain potassium. No more cramps.
Of course you can also just eat healthier and get potassium that way. Supplements aren’t necessarily the solution for you.
Also check out NuSalt, it’s a salt substitute that is pure potassium. Way cheaper than supplements, my local grocery store sells a container for under $2.