From latest GameLinked episode (Linus Tech Tips gaming news channel)
I see this as a small victory for the Fediverse.
There’s definitely an LTT writer that’s active here.
During the last TalkLinked Jacob said he was on Lemmy :)
EDIT: timestamped link: passionately “Download Lemmy!”
I’m feeling warm and fuzzy for some reason.
The only thing Lemmy doesn’t have that Reddit does have is the immense history of quality content. This will only get better in time.
It’s also missing IMO some mass to discuss more specific topics. For example, there’s enough people to discuss “anime” or “games”, but too few to discuss a specific anime series, or a specific game.
That’ll get better in time too, I believe.
Yeah, true. I still jump to Reddit to view tv show discussions, just won’t log in or comment anymore.
Year of the lemmy desktop
It’s happening!
“Stay cool, stay cool!”
Did you know you can embed images on Lemmy using the markdown

“Smile and wave boys, just smile and wave.”
Soon BuzzFeed will be stealing content from Lemmy
did LTT ever actually fix that issue where they stole somebody’s prototype after trashing it in a review where they tested it on the wrong thing? I had a weird vibe about Linus before that, and just wrote him off after
I think they addressed it, but idk much about it. dude you’re famous now
Also: this is the way.
put me in the screenshot!