Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is facing widespread criticism from political leaders and civil rights organizations after a video surfaced of him making false claims that COVID-19 was designed to attack certain ethnic groups while sparing Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people — a conspiracy theory that drew accusations of antisemitism and racism.
Keep calling out this deranged motherfucker. He’s responsible for countless deaths:
During the pandemic, Kennedy has become a near-ubiquitous source of false information about COVID-19 and vaccines. Earlier this year, Kennedy was named one of the “Disinformation Dozen” by the Center for Countering Digital Hate, which says he and the Children’s Health Defense website are among the top spreaders of false information about vaccines online.
…note that the Children’s Heath Defense organization is Kennedy’s personal charity, and…
The AP found links to Children’s Health Defense articles all over Facebook. While many were shared as posts on the pages of fellow anti-vaccine activists, many more could be found in the comments sections on pages that people turn to for reliable information, including official government Facebook pages in all 50 states, and in health departments in nearly every state.
“The vaccine was not created to save us all from a pandemic. The pandemic was created to get us to take the vaccine and more,” one person wrote in February below a North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Facebook post.
Then, they linked to a January Children’s Health Defense article that claimed 329 deaths following the COVID-19 shot had been reported to VAERS, a federal vaccine safety surveillance system that has been misused by anti-vaccine activists.
“Every Friday, the true American hero Robert F Kennedy Jr. pulls the data from the VAERS report. Here is the latest up until 1/22,” the commenter wrote. Another user replied that the comment had been reported for dishonesty, but it was still up 10 months later.…as a result:
Since January, Children’s Health Defense’s COVID-19 vaccine-related posts were shared more frequently on Twitter than links to vaccine content on mainstream sites including CNN, Fox News, NPR and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to Indiana University’s Observatory on Social Media, which tracks COVID-19 vaccine-related content on Twitter. In some weeks, it found, CHD COVID-19 vaccine content was shared more often than that of The New York Times and The Washington Post.
Just out of curiosity, there wouldn’t happen to be a Sirhan Sirhan Jr., would there…?
You know what’s really weird? RFK supported Sirhan Sirhan’s release - went against his entire family to do so too. I think the guy has some dark daddy issues.
Dude’s got more issues than National Geographic. And is about as useful as post-Fox National Geographic.
Remember when the Kennedy name was a mark of quality for politicians and not a surgeon general’s warning? “Caution: May contain high levels of crazy.”
And to think that phony “No Labels” organization actually supports this guy! How about we elect a politician that actually DOES stuff instead of spreading conspiracy theories and demonizing already disenfranchised groups of people? Denying a transgender person health care never put food on my table, just sayin’.
Someone’s last name should never be an indicator of quality. I’d like my politics dynasty-free, thank you.
How does someone like this even get near a mainstream party in the US? The closest I can think of in the UK was Andrew Bridgen but he was kicked out the Tories for spreading vaccine disinformation. Then anyone else with those views, like Piers Corbyn and Lawrence Fox were stuck in minor fringe groups to begin with.
The republican party is a full tilt conspiracy cult at this point. So they fund and run a spoiler in the democratic race who is a mentally ill conspiracy loon. Why? To peel off a few votes with the kennedy name and more importantly so they can "both sides"their lunacy. Ummmm, see the democrats have whack jobs too (ignore that this is our bought and paid for whack job). They successfully did this with the global warming debate. On one side you have a scientific consensus among pretty much every scientist on earth.On the other they have like 4 spoiler scientists owned by bp and shell oil. Check mate liberal. Manufactured controversy where there is none. Same with jordan peterson, they have their one mentally ill whack job intellectual. Check mate again libs we have a smart guy now so, same/same.
Can’t the Democrats do the equivilent of “taking the whip” like what happened to Andrew Bridgen in the UK? Distance themselves from him and not let him run for them?
They will. When primaries come, the Democratic party will soundly and democratically (little d) reject his attempt to represent them by not voting for him. Even before then, he will be rejected because nobody is going to give him the time of day when it comes to setting up a debate or using party resources to facilitate his campaign. Until then, he is not a representative of the party, just a dude who says he wants to represent the party. I could just as easily say I want to represent the Republican party by running a campaign on aborting every single fetus in the United States and then holding a giant gay orgy before forcing all cisgender people to undergo surgical transition. Obviously I would not be representative of the Republican party. Same with this guy and the Democratic party. The only reason it feels like this guy is in any way legitimate or affiliated with the Democratic party is because of how early primary/election coverage starts.
Not sure if they can. Wish they would
Do you have any sources that say republicans are supporting him to be a spoiler candidate?
He’s backed by Steve Bannon.
Do you have any sources that say republicans are supporting him to be a spoiler candidate?
Yeah. I’m not a dumbass and wasn’t born yesterday.
Oh so your intuition is the source.
Are you kidding?
This guy is just saying out loud what large parts of the population are thinking.
I’m not Jewish, but antisemitism was pretty normalized in the south, but to be fair, they’re pretty intolerant of anyone who isn’t from their specific version of protestantism.
How does someone like this even get near a mainstream party in the US?
All it takes to be a Democrat is to check a box when you register to vote (same for any other party in the US). There is nothing stopping anyone who wants to from running for the Democratic nomination. Needless to say, he isn’t endorsed by the Democratic Party and doesn’t have any real popular support. As for why he wants to be known as a Democrat–I’m not an expert on the guy but I do know that he is one of the children of the Kennedy dynasty from the '60s; the Democratic Party is part of his brand, I suppose. He is not a serious candidate, he is almost certainly running specifically to raise his profile and increase the number of followers he has as a professional conspiracy grifter (which has been his occupation for decades now).
How does someone like this even get near a mainstream party in the US?
Because despite the media disliking him, he’s reasonable if you watch his interviews and his interactions instead of reading headlines and determining your opinion of him by one bias sentence.
Yes, how ‘reasonable’ of him to suggest COVID-19 was a bioweapon designed to spare Jews and Chinese people. That’s the very definition of a reasonable position that is not in any way bigoted and fucking nuts.
Yes, how ‘reasonable’ of him to suggest COVID-19 was a bioweapon designed to spare Jews and Chinese people
Where did he say that, can you provide the direct quote?
Yes, I’ve played that game before. “He didn’t literally say exactly that thing, therefore he didn’t say it.”
He said viruses can impact different ethnicities differently.
You’re making up that he said it was created as a bioweapon.
He was talking about COVID in the context of bioweapons that could target ethnic groups. I saw the whole video. You’re not going to be able to gaslight me by attempting to take just the COVID part out of context.
You must not have read the article. Here ya go:
Kennedy later posted a video statement on Sunday, saying in part: “Nobody has suggested that these were deliberately engineered changes and I certainly don’t believe that they were deliberately engineered,” but calling it “kind of a proof of concept that you can develop bioweapons that will attack certain ethnicities.”
this fuckwit is running for president yo.
His claim is insane and insanely racist but there should by a conversation on how COVID negatively effected oppressed minorities and how in general their health service is so horrendous.
“His claim is insane, but it’s right”?
That’s your defense?
What he said sounds bad, especially when we just read the headlines and think we know the context, but he’s just saying the virus doesn’t affect every ethnicity the same.
We know that. It’s fact. You agree with it. So why is the claim insane?
There is a difference in saying that there is a disparity in health outcomes due to racism and saying there is a Jewish-chinese conspiracy to destroy the white race. They are actually nothing alike.
saying there is a Jewish-chinese conspiracy to destroy the white race.
Where did he say this?
He implied the virus was bio engineered and Ashkenazi and Han were made immune are you being deliberately dense. Here is his quote
“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,”
He also said
“COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,” he continued, adding, “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact.”
“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,”
Are you claiming that there are no differences between ethnicities and the harshness of covid?
COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,” he continued, adding, “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact.”
What’s wrong with that? He said we don’t know the origins. That’s fact. He said we do know they affect different ethnicities differently, that’s fact.
You’re trying to push a narrative against him for that.
Come on, dude.
We don’t know the exact origins but we should assume given the likelihood it is and the lack of evidence otherwise that’s its perfectly natural to do otherwise is crazy. He is obviously throwing racist dog whistles that you are refusing to see that shows you are a racist and I really see no point talking to you.
We don’t know the exact origins
And many big organizations say there’s a reasonable chance that it was lab altered.
we should assume given the likelihood it is and the lack of evidence otherwise that’s its perfectly natural
We don’t know the origins, as you said before, but we should assume it was natural? I don’t assume either way, but it seems weird you claimed both these things.
He is obviously throwing racist dog whistles
No, he’s not. He said that we don’t know if it was created/altered by humans or not.
But we do know it affects different ethnicities differently, which is, once again, objectively right.
refusing to see that shows you are a racist
Refusing to think like you makes me a racist? I think we have different definitions of racist.
What does “targeted” mean?
select as an object of attention
He was talking about covid in the context of engineered bioweapons. That the virus has been more severe with people of color can, and has been explained by racial inequity and access to care.
“The overrepresentation of African Americans among confirmed COVID-19 cases and number of deaths underscores the fact that the coronavirus pandemic, far from being an equalizer, is amplifying or even worsening existing social inequalities tied to race, class, and access to the health care system.” 97.9 out of every,Asians (40.4 per 100%2C000).
What makes you think he was talking about covid in the context of engineered bioweapons?
He said “there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact.”
You provided one such paper that shows that there are differences in how covid impacted different communities. Whether that’s due to obesity rates, socioeconomic status or healthcare access.
"Kennedy later posted a video statement on Sunday, saying in part: “Nobody has suggested that these were deliberately engineered changes and I certainly don’t believe that they were deliberately engineered,”
What a shocking revelation, a guy who is drenched in conspiracy theories is also an anti-semite. This guy is the ID of America.
I mean… no shit? Dude’s completely nuts.
Information on Covid 19 death rates by race in the United States for those curious: said because of some genetic differences that covid didn’t affect some ethnicities as hard.
That’s just fact. He didn’t say it was created to do so, he said it’s just the way the virus is.
“is targeted to…” implies deliberate action, which is exactly the message he wanted to convey. It’s just SSDD for this nutjob.
No it doesn’t.
See you just made up an entire conspiracy theory and saying RFK Jr. believes in it.
He did not say what you said he did. He said that it affects jews and asians different than black people. That’s factual.
Stop making up reasons to hate people you disagree with. Listen to them and argue against what they say, not the words you put in their mouth.
Sickle cell targets african americans. Am I now saying there’s a whole conspiracy against the black population by deliberately infecting them with sickle cell?
Sickle cell does not “target” blacks, it is genetically inherited trait. It affects blacks more often as it is thought to have evolved in sub-Saharan Africans as protection from malaria. So your statement isn’t really a conspiracy, it’s just uninformed.
RFK Jr is on video talking about bioweapons and in that context said that “There’s an argument that it is ethnically targeted…” People of color are affected by most diseases more that white people. This is not a new phenomenon and is related to racial disparities. Also, the Chinese were hit as hard as everyone else.
RFK Jr has a history of promoting conspiracy theories.
I’m not making up any reasons to dislike RFK Jr. I dislike him based on his own words and actions.
Did you even read the article. None of it is factual, even the author of one of the articles he referenced said he was wrong.
No idea why you’re supporting this man.
People really need to be more educated to read between the lines instead of taking everything at face value.
This was clearly a racist and antisemitic comment. Even it being factual would not change that.
There are vast differences on how different ethnicities were able to combat the virus.
That’s a fact.
No idea why you’re supporting this man.
Because I’ve listened to what he says and his interactions with people, instead of basing my impressions on him on headlines.
People really need to be more educated to read between the lines instead of taking everything at face value.
Agreed, and they’d see this article and made up controversy is just big media calling the shots. Listen to the candidates interviews and interactions, and I promise you’ll understand every candidate better than just the media conglomerates narratives.
This was clearly a racist and antisemitic comment
Saying that some ethnicities handled the virus better/worse is not racist, nor antisemitic.
Sickle cell affects african americans more than other ethnicities. Is that racist to say?
covid didn’t affect some ethnicities as hard.
That’s just fact.
It was blood types and not race, right? Blood type predicted severity of symptoms … or was it infection rate?
Hmm. I guess it’s also blood type: Not a big sample size, though.
Not my graph, but his comment reminded me of it so I went and found it on Reddit to share.
No source?
The big error bars on everything but Christian raises an eyebrow.
I would be amazed if they weren’t hit harder, many orthodox jews live in dense communities and there is a genetic disposition to immunodeficiency disorders.