Tornado of souls had one of the best guitar riffs and best guitar solos of all time, as well as one of the worst most amateurish vocal performances of any song ever
Dream Theater
Cradle of Filth
Nymphetamine is the only song I like. For this reason.
Limp Bizkit. Never like them. Then I heard some of Wes Borland’s side projects. Made it clear that there were really good musicians in the band that could have evolved in interesting directions. But we’ll never know because they were held back by Durst’s angry drunk trashy frat-boy image and idiotic, juvenile lyrics.
I’m gonna get banned, but System of a down.
Banned, why? You are welcome to your bad, wrong opinions! It tells the rest of us who can be safely ignored. On the contrary, we thank you for your service.
The dude actually blocked me.
Oh, 100% agree. Ironic since he sang the Godzilla cover in King of the Monsters.
Part of the time… Lacuna Coil. Seesaws between wonderful and awful depending who’s singing.
Any Djent band ever
The only djent I like is Destiny Potato/Sordid Pink. Her voice is insane!
Well vocals are non-existant in a lot of djent music lol
Unpopular opinion but King Diamond. That man is a acquired taste. Oh he’s real good and Mercyful Fate + KD is full of bangers but to the untrained ear sounds like Elmo sometimes. At least when I first was introduced.
Once my brain got over “it’s not Elmo it’s falsetto” it got a lot better. Glad I did because Melissa/Them/The Conspiracy are mandatory.
I never could get used to his style
Megadeth to a T
You are 100% correct but that’s not stopping me from being mad about it
Faith No More. Although “We Care A lot” popping up in Guardians 3 was one of the few bits I enjoyed.
Sonata Artica. Don’t get me wrong, the story telling in his songs is amazing, but it’s very obvious English isn’t his first language.
Disclaimer: I love Silencer. Don’t hate me
Dir en grey 😭 My favorite band for more than 20 years but damn if my ears aren’t bleeding at times.
Anything with that screaming/growling vocal style feels like this to me. I get that it’s a specific style and a specific skill to do, but holy fuck does it feel like nails on a chalkboard to my brain.