Actor Ben Stein says he misses the good old days when “a large African-American woman” was on his syrup bottle, but woke corporate culture ruins everything.
We used to be a country. A proper country. I would wake up and there would be a large African American woman smiling on my syrup bottle, and I knew everything would be okay.
Americans in the 1980s: “You can’t put a black person on your marketing material that’s disgusting I hate it I’ll never buy your product again!!!”
Americans in the 2020s: “Put it back! Put it back! Put it back! Whaaaaaaat!”
Nation of fucking babies.
Imo, maple syrup is one of the things that’s worthwhile to spring for the real stuff
I got real maple syrup awhile back and it was like 4x more expensive and I actually liked it less than the fake shit. :(
Litmus test to discern Canadians from Americans.
Friend in high school had family near Canada that made maple syrup from their trees and she used to give me a full bottle whenever I needed it. It was liquid gold and she moved away so I have to buy it, but it’s not as good :deeper-sadness:
That’s what food made with unalienated labor tastes like. You can’t buy that in a store.
That and no profit motive to drive corner cutting and cost saving. Wild what even small amounts of non-capitalist production can achieve
Slowly turning into Kissinger.
Slowly? The man wrote Nixon’s speeches while he was in the WhiteHouse, undoubtedly with direct input from Kissinger.
I have a coworker that refills his aunt Jemima bottle. As I’m sure you guessed, he’s an amazing politics understander.
refills bottle
damn what a great environmentalist thats what we are talking about right
Bro aren’t you supposed to be rich you can afford real maple syrup lmao
It doesn’t taste the same without the racism.
syrup without racism and microplastic is downright unamerican