A two panel meme with Candace and her mom from the cartoon Phineas and Ferb. They are alone in the car with Candace’s mom driving.
In the top panel sits Candace in the passenger seat, smiling and gesturing with her hands to show excitement and she’s speaking.
Text at the bottom of this panel says “they are so nice to put alt-text under their memes just for people like me to get the joke.”
In the bottom panel the same scene but this time her hands are at rest together while Candace’s mom looks at her and is speaking.
Text at the bottom of this panel says “I worry about you sometimes Candace.”
I love the reference in your username, but isn’t -nimi just a respectful suffix or something he uses for nightblood rather than a name?
…I need a Stormlight community to be active here on Lemmy, the preview chapters are too much and my fiancee is waiting for the book release.
Yes, it is. I believe Szeth mentioned its specifically a divine honorific, which is why he uses it for Nale
I figure it works either way.
Just like some guy named Dan saying he’s a friend of Sir, which is his loving nickname for his pet cat.
🤡😉 glad I stole that from the original artist
Put your NSFW hats on and enjoy y’all
Hey everybody, this guy hates blind people and thinks screen readers are just a joke!
Be the alt-text you wish to see in the world.
I do, when I hover my mouse over the image. YMMV, depending on your client.
My instance is .ml and I used jerboa, which has an alt-text field below the image uploader.
Annoyingly, while Jerboa has a field to add alt text to the submission when you create it, I can’t find a way to get it to show me the alt text on a submission that has already been created.
Odd. I’m on Firefox.
When I mouseover I just get a message to expand the image. Like this:
Upon expanding the image, I cannot get alt-text to appear.
EDIT: Here’s what I get when I use dev tools to inspect the element:
Notice the
This may be because your instance is running Lemmy v0.19.3.
That looks like its likely the case. Blahaj is a nice instance, but it’s definitely behind the curve on current version status.
The alt text doesn’t help, can someone explain the joke here?
The alt text is for explaining what people would see in that image when the image doesn’t display/load or in general are unable to see it (e.g. blind people)
Perhaps mom is afraid that her daughter is going blind? I dunno.
How did the alt text even get in there? I don’t find anything when I do
exiftool -a -u blah.webp