Best highlights:
Well since marx and his antisemtic works to stalinist antisemitism to the current rush of commies who are all antisemitic cause they follow marx and stalin.
Leftist organizing is filled with antisemitism. Why won’t condemn china russia or sri lanka for their genocides while only condemning israel. See this is why lot of jewish folk are feeling this anti zionism is antisemitic.
Find nuance within zionism rather than just being anti zionist as all those rabid college protestors
Banning israeli who served in the idf once is not a good look and obviously anti semitic.
Neil druckman is being unfairly maligned.
A lot of leftists praise hamas and that’s as bad as idf. Y’all blindly supoort them just cause they are fighting israel. Meanwhile you all ignore sri lanka doing tamil genocide and the ccp doing uyghur genocide. But you all cheer on jewish civilians killed on oct 7.
Equating zionist to white supremacy or white people is very antisemitic. You leftists don’t condemn sri lanka or china cause they are not white. This is a common stalinist tradition.
Also hamas is just has their own interests and don’t care about jeopardizing palestine’s future.
Zionism was not the product of its leaders. Implying they pushed it or they were powerful is antisemitic. It actually formed cause jewish folk escaped persecution and came here. It was a movement cause it has emotional appeal. Zionism is an emotion. Holocaust was the reason for all the jewish folk to form a jewish state.
Do you condemn hamas? Hamas attacks on civillians parallels nazi attacks for the average gentile. Hamas is a fundamentalist antisemitic group.
Horsehoe theory???//
Every time I try to seriously engage with the topic of antisemitism on the left - since, you know, antisemitism is bad and I don’t want to be doing antisemitism - whatever podcast or article or whatever the fuck I read fails at nearly the first hurdle and it basically just turns out to be zionist entryism. Does anybody have not-bullshit recommendations here?
Also I fucking love arguments like:
Meanwhile you all ignore sri lanka doing tamil genocide and the ccp doing uyghur genocide
I could send out an email to the entire company I work at condemning these things and nothing would come of it. If I even hint that I don’t love israel to the bottom of my soul in a company meeting I would be fired so fast my head would spin. Wow, which issue am I going to be engaging with more I wonder?
Not to mention the Uyghur genocide is fictitious
And you can literally fly to the site of the supposed “genocide” and see the region for yourself. Wait, all these Uyghur people are just hanging out and living normal lives? Huh 🤔
Try doing that in Gaza!
Actually what’s happening there is an elite team of See See Pee actors and stagehands are carefully running ahead of every visitor and putting on elaborate stage shows that pretend to be real life just to hide the genocide obviously
Its like how north Korea has cardboard buildings meant to look like grocery stores, so when non-locals try to go in they hit a wall.
Not to mention the stark difference in evidence in regards to China’s supposed genocide
We are getting live footage of atrocities from a people who have been cut off from nearly every form of communication, because it’s actually really hard to hide mass murder
And the evidence for China trying to kill off the Uighurs is what? A couple of satellite photos of a roof and some easily debunked pictures that were “smuggled” out of the camps
Wrinkly gibberish, pure vibes
Didn’t you see the picture taken from inside a drainage ditch, with the gray filter applied, of a single guard outside a regular administrative building in the middle of a city? If that’s not proof of genocide I don’t know what is!
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Every aspect of anti-capitalist/imperialist thought steers you away from anti-Semitism. You would be hard pressed to find anti-Jewish sentiment in any active leftist space. That’s of course not to say it doesn’t/can’t happen. But any materialist thought completely precludes the whole Jewish New World Order / banker elite conspiracy theories of the right, and we of course don’t fall for the anti-Semitic trope of a collective Jewish hivemind with genocidal desires like liberals do.
My first thought would be to point you towards moments in history of sociopolitical trife / mass violence, but my first thought would be of the Holocaust, where leftists were literally the only Jewish allies, and were persecuted alongside them (not to equate the two). Even in Eastern Europe, it was only the left that organized any sort of resistance to the Nazis and Jewish killings and deportations.
But there probably is a moment in history I don’t know about where a (even nominally) leftist organization or front fell into anti-semitic thoughts and actions during some struggle. That would be a good place to start. (Then again maybe there isn’t.)
Meanwhile you all ignore sri lanka doing tamil genocide and the ccp doing uyghur genocide
What kind of argument is this? “Look mom, they got genocides, why can’t I have one???”
Seems like a…
Whataboutism? What about deez nuts?
“These so-called leftists are not principled. They do not truly care about genocide and solely target Israel in particular because they are bigots.”
Sri Lanka AES?
Its for saying oh they only angrily scream at israel but not sri lanka cause they are antisemitic
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I was reading a post in here from like 3-4 years ago where they made a fresh account to concern troll about antisemitism on the left. The account never posted after that.
You all ignore Sri lanka tamil genocide
I don’t know whether she lives under some rock. I don’t know who like ignores or doesn’t know like one of worst atrocities in the region.
Its very bizarre to be like "oh the college protesters or vocal anti zionists don’t mention genocidal regime of sri lanka, hmmm curious ". I wonder what her opinion is of the ltte.
(sorry deleted this on accident just now)
Sri Lanka is participating in Operation Prosperity Garden meaning they are complicit in Palestinian genocide. I’m willing to bet Jessie either does not know, does not care or thinks this is good.nah she doesn’t care she only brought that up to say “I don’t see all these commies condemning sri lanka as rabidly as they do israel, seems antisemitic”
Sri Lanka is participating in Operation Prosperity Garden, making them complicit in Palestinian genocide. I’m willing to bet this youtube either does not know, does not care or things it is good.
Oh Jessie… Jesus Christ it’s 4 hours I can’t believe this. Disgusting self-gratifying liberal dogshit
Its pretty shit. Even the history part is very weirdly framed. Just god awful.
Turns out having a PhD in Star Trek YouTube videos doesn’t translate into basic academic humility on anything else.
Well its breadtube so its all about bloated videos with very little basis and a lot of hand wringing.
This bullshit is more craven then just openly declaring yourself a zionist and Im not going to bother with drawing a distinction at this point.
She released a video about why she’s voting for Biden just a few days before Biden dropped out.
Ahahaha perfectly tuned political instincts
Rakeshoe theory confirmed.
Well maybe she is a biden dead ender who wants to preserve respect and nuance in american democracy which the CHEETO will destroy.
Me when a white trans BreadTuber ends up being a major lib (this has never happened before, guys):
utterly unprecedented
They will not lib
it’s hard to find ones that aren’t
Quite the unicorns.
I wish there were better youtubers
Love that Israeli factions are currently in hot water regarding how the mass pogroms and torture should be fine. And they keep doing their genocide.
All this sort of western person can muster is whatever this video. The most pressing issue nuance with zionism and respectability.
Jessie, what the fuck are you talking about.
Every YouTube creator is a liberal lmao
This just shows me that radlibs are best when their only targets are people like Ben Shapiro. As soon as they move away from that it’s almost always anti-leftist shit
typical liberal garbage aside:
Interesting temporal inversion, when zionism started before fascism appeared, and probably before mussolini was born
Zionism as an emotion.
Yes I was feeling very Nazi today, going to ethnically cleanse my mind right now.
Hamas is a fundamentalist antisemitic group.
Yes Hamas has fundamentals they believe in and fight for while you bootlick for the Zionists in your audience Ms. Jessie Gender while you have no ideas besides the ideology and TV shows you grew up with.
Imagine being a YouTuber and having to make four hour long slop. I just couldn’t, how can you even engage with something on a purely intellectual level like this and say that you’re confident you’re informing people correctly, for such a long period of time too? It’s remarkable how so many anticapitalists can have the contours of their views molded by capitalist hegemony and barely even realize it.
Oh ho ho ho, she even goes on a mini rant about how people called her out for her andor video repeating propaganda. She just rants on about gulags and stalin. And how her views are molded by facts and tankies won’t accept it.
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She just says this at that point. That both countries just propagandized their populations to keep them the authoritarian rules of their respective hierarchical states. But stalinists only see the obfuscated reality that ussr stood against american imperialism in their misunderstood dichotomy.
I sure am glad that the breadtubers are the unique special folk completely immune to propaganda and can tell us all what to think on behalf of the US state department. Who would’ve thought they lie constantly to their own people, but always tell the truth about their geopolitical enemies? Sure is nice of them to do that.
Damn we found the hypothetical libertarian I made up when Andor came out who saw the empire as the ussr
Does she actually say the word “tankie?”
She says stalinists throughout the section. Mentions that they were criticizing her andor video where she mentions stalin and gulag. Then also just goes into how stalin was a anti semite. She cites this one book I mentioned in the thread which is about how stalinists and left are antisemitic. Keeps saying that same people cheer on hamas and don’t condemn October seven.
he could do it
Okay, before I start, I'd just like to thank SquareSpace for sponsoring this video, thanks to them I managed to make, the premier online space to read theory and get in touch with other comrades
Yeah but he was engaged on the local struggles, I can’t imagine Jessie Gender is if she’s making four hour YouTube videos which highlight poor qualities that may be present but are ultimately nonreflective of the ML (or “Stalinist”) left
At least down the rabbit hole is well researched and defunctland is high quality. But low quality talking at a camera for four hours?
You just named two of my favorite channels
So many youtubers are convinced that length of video = depth of video. They believe that the longer the video the more “thorough” they are.
Longer videos have also become better for the algorithm, so they all tend to do longer and longer content for that reason as well. Plus making a stream of consciousness rant requires less editing than turning 4 hours of discussion of a topic into a neat and organised half-hour video.
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Even when I saw the video there were 50 comments most calling the effort brave and saying the antisemites are gonna infest the comments.
Could be patrons with early access to the video
Uh aktually, if you watch the 4 hr video at 2x speed, you’ll reach the end in 2 hours. Feeling owned yet tankie?
I condemn oct 7 fully