Enjoy your extra weighted furry blanket with rumble mode. You have attained human nirvana by reaching your ultimate purpose as a pillow.
Pray to the Cat ye mortal…
I have prayed and am now constructing a Sphinx. Is this a normal side effect?
You also need sacrifices…
Did you try thoughts as well?!
He’s a big boi!
I love his whisker freckles too!
Pick up cat and give a hug, don’t let go. The cat will soon leave you alone thinking ur weird for wanting such a long hug. Your cat might vary.
He looks content.
The issue isn’t just the 18 lb, it’s that one tiny paw that they’re putting all of that weight on, that just so happens to be resting on a rib, or worse between 2.
Cat per square inch is a good unit
Needs a diet then, ideal weight for an average adult cat is 8-10 lbs
Some cats are just big, my dude. I’ve got an 8-month old Ragamuffin who’s already 13 lbs / 6 kg. He’s expected to grow past 20, it’s normal for his breed.
Oh wow, big chungus
It totally depends on the cat.